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AEW Dynamite Results for January 6, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event. “The Demo God” Chris Jericho joined them for commentary at the start of the event.

Kicking things off—an 8-Man Tag Match!

AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson, & SCU—“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian vs. The Hybrid2—Angelico & Jack Evans, & The Acclaimed—“The Five-Tool Player” Anthony Bowens & “Platinum” Max Caster!

“It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!” said Jim Ross, welcoming viewers to the very first DYNAMITE of 2021!

The Bucks and SCU were wearing t-shirts that had the phrase: “Your rap is crap!”

The match broke down into a Pier 6 brawl right from the get-go! The Bucks took down Jack Evans! Nick Jackson then his an escalara and took out the opposition on the outside, landing on his feet!

“Jack Evans is really underrated,” said Tony Schiavone, as Evans connected with a kick to Daniels.

Angelico tagged himself in and continued to work over Daniels. Evans tagged in and dropped a double-foot stomp onto “The Fallen Angel,” but Daniels kicked out at two!

Excalibur reminded us that with the start of 2021, the rankings have also started over for the year.

Evans smashed Daniels with a Phoenix splash off the middle rope. Angelico tagged in and applied a submission hold to Daniels, but CD was able to reach the ropes to get the ref to break it. Bowens rattled Daniels with a back elbow, but Daniels followed up with a blue thunder bomb and was able to tag in Frankie Kazarian!

Kazarian used a German suplex on Evans for a near fall! Evans dropped Kazarian with a kick across the chest and then a standing twister sky press for a near fall! Frankie tagged in Matt Jackson, and he took down Caster and Angelico with a double Northern lights suplex!

“Matt has no fear, I can tell you that,” said Jim Ross, as Matt Jackson cleaned house on the opposition.

Nick and Matt hit Risky Business on Bowens but Bowens managed to kick out! Kazarian helped Nick Jackson hit the BTE Trigger on Bowens but it was broken up. Evans attempted a 630 senton but Nick managed to get his knees up in time! Matt and Nick invited the opposition to a superkick party and they had plenty of invitations to go around! They were looking for the Meltzer Driver but Evans bridged out after some interference and scored a near fall on Matt! Chris Daniels executed his Best Moonsault Ever as Matt Jackson dropped Evans with the Meltzer Driver—the two teams working together flawlessly! This was more than enough for Matt Jackson to pin Jack Evans!

Post-match, SCU told The Bucks that they had their backs anytime they needed it, except for the night when The Bucks’ belts are on the line against them. They all shook hands in a gentleman’s agreement.

Next: The Return of Jon Moxley!

“It’s a very unsettling sight to see Jon Moxley without that AEW World Championship in hand,” noted Excalibur.

“You may have expected me to come out here tonight cussing up a storm, screaming bloody murder about the events that transpired on December 2nd, but where I come from, complaining doesn’t matter. Sometimes all you can do is take it on the chin and stare down that adversity and you don’t back down an inch. So no, I ain’t going anywhere.

“But what to do with Kenny Omega and that guy he’s hanging around with that looks like a used car salesman? I have zero tolerance for s—ty people. But tonight the AEW Championship is on the line and I gave my heart and soul to protect the integrity of that belt. Rey Fenix has a chance at the belt tonight and he worked 13 years for this opportunity.

“Kenny, just remember, I will get even and then some. When I do something, when I say I’m going to do something, I do it. When I make a commitment, I see it through. No matter how long it takes, I will forever be in your blind spot Kenny. I’m the boogeyman. I promise you, one day you are going to look in the eyes of the devil and you are going to beg for mercy when you realize you crossed the wrong guy!”

Dasha interviewed Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor backstage. Chuck said Trent would be out four to five months because of his injury. He was then interrupted by “The Best Man” Miro, Penelope Ford, and Kip Sabian. Chuck Taylor challenged Miro to a match next week.

“After I beat your ass on DYNAMITE, how about you become my ‘young boy’ until the wedding?” asked Miro. Chuck agreed and Miro said, “You’re even stupider than you look.”

Jake Hager (of Inner Circle) vs. “The War Dog” Wardlow (also of Inner Circle) was next!

“Wardlow can be a franchise player. Look at him! Wardlow,” said Jim Ross.

The Inner Circle were watching the match from the top of the ramp.

Wardlow and Hager locked up like two big rams! Hager took down Wardlow but Wardlow used leg scissors on Hager. They both grappled and then stood back up. Wardlow got a waist lock but Hager fired a back elbow at him. Wardlow used forearms on Hager. This was a true hoss fight!

“That’s Wardlow’s best chance—his striking,” said Jim Ross.

Wardlow clotheslined Hager and both men spilled to the outside!

“Godzilla versus King Kong!” said Chris Jericho.

Wardlow lifted Hager and planted him! He picked up Hager and chucked him across the ring, not once, but twice! Hager kicked out at the two-count! Wardlow was looking for the F10 but Hager escaped and rammed Wardlow with a running splash into the corner! Hager suplexed Wardlow and tried for a pin but Hager kicked out at two! Hager went for the Hager Bomb but Wardlow had it scouted! Hager tried instead for an ankle lock but Wardlow escaped and ran into Hager, blasting him off the apron into the steel barricade!

Wardlow hit a release German suplex on Hager but Hager kicked out! Wardlow climbed to the top rope and nailed Hager with the senton atomico! Hager rolled through and countered with the head and arm triangle, but Wardlow grabbed the rope for the ref break!

The climbed to the second turnbuckle, with Hager having Wardlow in the head and arm triangle again! Wardlow countered by dropping down and he followed up with the F10! Wardlow pinned Hager after that giant F10!

“All it took was one small miscalculation by Hager for Wardlow to get the victory,” said Excalibur.

After the match, in a sign of respect, Wardlow and Hager fist-bumped one another.

Matt Hardy was backstage with Private Party. Snoop Dogg showed up with the juice so Private Party could have their gin and juice! Matt Hardy had contracts for Private Party to sign and said he was going to bring out their full potential. Hardy wanted 30% but Hardy said it would all pay off if Private Party signed. “I got you covered,” said Hardy, as Private Party signed their contracts.

Ahead of next week’s main event—it was the TNT Title Weigh In for TNT Champion Darby Allin and Team Taz’s “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Brian Cage came out with his FTW Title and Team Taz by his side!

Darby Allin had his skateboard and his brand new TNT Championship Belt with him.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to facilitate the weigh in.

“272 pounds,” said Tony Schiavone, as Brian Cage stepped on the scale.

Darby got on the scale reluctantly as Team Taz watched on like a pack of hyenas.

“170 pounds,” said Schiavone about Darby.

“Taz, you may say this feud is nine months in the making, but in reality, I’ve been dealing with s—t like you my entire life. We all know how this ends tonight. So let’s get to the fun part,” said Darby Allin.

Taz ordered Schiavone out of the ring. “You had a chance, Darby,”—said Taz, but he was interrupted by Sting’s music and the arena going black.

It began to snow in Jacksonville and Sting walked out to the ring to have Darby’s back!

Team Taz retreated. “I’m telling you, Darby Allin, as God as my witness, we are crowning Brian Cage next week as the new TNT Champion!” yelled Taz.

“It seemed pretty clear to me that Sting came out to save Darby Allin from a sure beatdown one week before his title match. I like this unholy alliance,” said Jericho.

MJF was backstage with a cameraman. Hager was outraged over losing against Wardlow earlier tonight. MJF gave Hager a pep talk. Hager replied, “You almost got dropped when you walked in here, but you’re cool, thanks for checking on me.”

Alex Marvez interviewed the Jurassic Express backstage. He asked Marko Stunt what they had planned next. Marko said they were after the titles. FTR interrupted them. Dash said, “Maybe -1 was right yesterday and you are a loser!”

Marko Stunt said next week he’d take Luchasaurus’ place and team with Jungle Boy against FTR, and Dash Harwood and Cash Wheeler accepted!

This was followed by “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (with Snoop Dogg) vs. Matt Sydal!

Cody Rhodes came out to a Snoop Dogg-remixed version of his entrance theme!

*Don’t forget to tune into the Go-Big Show premiering tomorrow night on TBS at 9pm EST! You’ll see Cody Rhodes and Snoop Dogg as judges!

Sydal jumped off the middle rope with an arm drag on Cody. He followed up with running knees to Cody! Snoop was on the ramp coaching Cody. Sydal jumped off the top rope with double knees to Cody on the ramp, nearly taking out Snoop. Sydal hurt his own legs on the move, taking the brunt of it on his knees.

Sydal and Cody fought on the outside of the ring, with Cody accidentally striking Serpentico with an errant shot! They returned to the ring and Cody applied the Scorpion Deathlock on Matt Sydal! Finally Sydal made it to the bottom rope to force the ref break.

Cody nailed a reversed suplex from the turnbuckles on Matt Sydal for a near fall! Cody went back to the top rope for the moonsault but Sydal moved out of the way. Sydal followed up with the rising knee strike! Sydal attempted a shooting star press but Cody pulled up his knees. Cody grabbed Sydal with a reverse DDT! Sydal charged in with a cross face-like submission on Cody. After Cody escaped, he blasted Matt Sydal with a lariat, knocking both of them over the ropes to the arena floor! Cody missed a pump kick as Sydal timed it, but Cody followed up with a Disaster Kick! Sydal snatched Cody with a hurracanrana for two-count. Sydal planted Cody with a lightning spiral but Cody was able to kick out!

Cody smashed Sydal with two Cross Rhodes and then pinned him!

Luther and Serpentico of Chaos Project jumped into the ring after the match and assaulted Cody. Sydal came to Cody’s aid to knock Luther out of the ring. They set up Serpentico for Sydal’s moonsault, but Snoop Dogg called Sydal down. Snoop Dogg climbed to the top rope and hit a diving Doggy splash on Serpentico! Snoop Dogg covered Serpentico as Snoop Dogg counted to three!

“He got a 1-2-3 and that’s the bottom line,” said Jim Ross of Snoop Dogg’s highflying maneuver!

Next—The AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

AEW Women’s World Champ Hikaru Shida vs. “The Living Dead Girl” Abadon!

“This has been building for months,” noted Jericho.

Abandon ambushed Shida as Shida was making her entrance. Shida smacked her right in the forehead with her kendo stick! Abadon sat right up like it didn’t bother her!

“The lunacy inside of Abadon makes her very dangerous,” said Jericho.

Shida tried for the running knee lift but Abadon grabbed her and bit into Shida’s thigh. Abadon shrieked!

“Abadon is an entity that lives it and breathes it,” said Jim Ross.

Abadon pulled Shida under the ring, out of view from the referee and anyone else. Abadon crawled back out and there was blood spilling out of Abadon’s mouth, and it wasn’t hers!

“She bit Shida’s neck again!” said Jericho.

Shida finally crawled back out, clutching her neck, in intense pain! Abadon covered Shida and Shida was barely able to kick out! Abadon grabbed a fistful of Shida’s hair and began smashing her face first against the mat!

Shida managed to take down Abadon with a frog splash off the second rope to the arena floor! Shida rammed Abadon’s head into the steel barricade and then superplexed Abadon back into the ring.

“Fighting fire with fire,” said Tony Schiavone.

Abadon bridged up in a freaky fashion and nailed Shida with a lariat. Shida powered through the pain and hit her running knee on Abadon, scoring the pin!

“This is very clearly Shida’s toughest title defense yet,” noted Excalibur.

Tay Conti was backstage with members of the Dark Order. She said next week she was coming after NWA Women’s World Champion Serena Deeb! Tay Conti said she’d have the Dark Order with her!

It was time for our main event!

For the AEW World Championship!

AEW World Champ Kenny Omega (with Impact Wrestling’s Don Callis) vs. Rey Fenix!

“This is electric,” said Chris Jericho, as the bell rang to start the match.

Rey Fenix used a knee to Omega’s midsection and took him down, but Omega fought out and stepped on Rey Fenix’s leg with all his weight! Omega applied a deep hammerlock but Rey Fenix escaped it. But the momentum was short lived as Kenny spiked Rey Fenix with a hurracanrana! Rey Fenix followed up with a step up hurracanrana of his own, knocking Kenny to the outside! Rey Fenix quickly went back to the attack with another hurracanrana from the apron to the outside on Omega.

Kenny connected with a swinging DDT on Rey Fenix, but Rey Fenix popped right out. Omega slapped him with a knife-edged chop! On the outside of the ring, Omega repeatedly rammed Rey Fenix into the barricade! Rey Fenix hopped over the steel barricade and then tried for a cutter on Omega, but Omega caught him and countered with a snap dragon suplex! Omega picked up Rey Fenix and then smashed him down on the ring apron!

“He’s done, Kenny,” said Don Callis from the ringside area.

Omega used a Kotaro crusher on Rey Fenix for a near fall.

“Right now the match belongs to Kenny Omega,” said Jim Ross.

Omega dropped Rey Fenix spine-first across his knee. This lit a fire in Rey Fenix, who popped up and began to trade strikes with the AEW World Champ.

“Kenny is just punishing Rey Fenix’s back with those forearms,” said Chris Jericho.

Rey Fenix surprised Kenny with a backwards springing headbutt! Rey Fenix, after displaying awesome agility, performed a double springboard into a dropkick onto Omega! He sprinted and blasted Omega with a tope con hiro!

“They are beating the crap out of each other and they love it!” said Chris Jericho.

Rey Fenix spring boarded off the middle rope, over Omega’s head, transitioning from a moonsault into a German suplex on Omega in a single uninterrupted sequence! The broadcast team was nearly speechless! Rey Fenix followed up with diving foot stomps to the back of Omega’s head!

“Two of the highest skilled athletes in all of pro wrestling! It’s anybody’s ballgame,” said Jim Ross.

Omega countered Rey Fenix’s tornillo with a rising knee, a powerbomb, and then a V-trigger! Rey Fenix kicked out!

“Don Callis has a concerned look on his face! It’s his meal ticket in jeopardy,” said Jim Ross.

Omega used another V-trigger and then tried for the One-Winged Angel, but Rey Fenix countered with a reverse hurracanrana! Don Callis distracted Rey Fenix for a moment and Omega used the opportunity to hit another V-trigger on Rey Fenix! They were both charged up with adrenaline, though, and Rey Fenix used an outside-in cutter to stun Omega, and then followed up with the thunder driver for a near fall on Omega!

“The crowd is going crazy here,” said Jericho.

“The challenger has taken over the momentum,” said Jim Ross.

Rey Fenix tried the frog splash but after being warned by Don Callis, Omega lifted his knees up! Omega caught Rey Fenix and planted him with the Tiger Driver ’98! He followed up with the One-Winged Angel and pinned Rey Fenix!

“What an absolute war!” said Excalibur.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve witnessed history. But Kenny Omega and “The Invisible Hand” Don Callis will give you something more. Apparently something terrible has happened backstage.”

PAC and Penta El Zero Miedo were shown backstage being assaulted by The Butcher and The Blade, while Eddie Kingston looked on laughing.

Keeping his word from earlier in the night, Jon Moxley came to the ring with a barbed wire baseball bat and hit Omega in the abdomen for a homerun!

Gallows and Anderson, the Impact Tag Team Champions, jumped over the barricades and invaded the ring, hitting Moxley from behind! The smashed Moxley with the Magic Killer!

“They don’t even work here!” said Chris Jericho.

Gallows, Anderson, and Omega stomped on Jon Moxley! Omega picked up the barbed wire bat and began using it over and over again on Jon Moxley. Brian Pillman, Jr. and Griff Garrison ran into the ring, having seen enough, but Gallows and Anderson knocked them out of there!

“This is a hostile takeover!” said Jim Ross.

Anderson and Gallows held up Moxley so Omega could hit him again with the barbed wire baseball bat!

“You made me flip the switch, Jon,” said Omega.

The Young Bucks sprinted to the ring and tried to talk reason into Omega, Gallows and Anderson.

“The Bucks are pleading with Gallows and Anderson,” said Jericho.

“Are we seeing the band get back together?” asked Excalibur.

Gallows, Anderson, and Omega put up their famous hand sign, and The Bucks gave the hand gesture right back!

“Unbelievable,” said Excalibur, shocked, as the show went off the air.

Be sure to join us next week for all the explosive action on Night Two of “New Year’s Smash” as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast live on TNT!


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