Tonight we celebrated our first amazing year of DYNAMITE airing on TNT with a stacked card featuring four title matches! The AEW World, Tag Team, Women’s, and TNT championships were all on the line!
Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s milestone event!
AEW World Tag Team Title Match!
The champs—FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood (with Tully Blanchard) vs. Best Friends—Chuck Taylor & Trent!
Wheeler took Chuck Taylor off his feet with a big shoulder tackle. Dax was tagged in and he continued to work over Chuck’s wrist and arm. The announcers mentioned the “Tully” factor and the newfound edge it has brought to FTR.
“FTR love to dictate the pace but they’re having some problems with the challengers,” said Jim Ross as Trent chopped away at Dax.
FTR took full advantage of the referee’s ten count as they made their quick in-and-out tags. FTR’s effective tandem offense was on full display early on. FTR isolated Trent on the outside of the ring. Trent tried to fight to his partner Chuck Taylor, but Dax tagged in and prevented the tag. Dax blasted Trent with a huge backdrop off the top turnbuckle!
“That high risk maneuver is something you don’t always see with FTR,” noted Tony Schiavone.
Cash attempted a splash off the middle rope but Trent lifted his knees, forcing Cash to crash down into them! It was good enough for Trent to get the tag! Trent cleaned house and used a falcon arrow on Dax for a near fall! Tully tried to interfere and it backfired on FTR. Chuck countered with a sunset flip on Cash for a two-count. Best Friends connected with a sole food/half-and half combo, and then a running knee strike from Trent for a two-count on Cash!
“Wheeler is in trouble here, and think of what is at stake,” said Jim Ross.
FTR hit an assisted powerbomb on Trent, but Trent was able to kick out! Dax tried a back suplex off the top rope on Trent but Trent countered. Trent then spiked Cash with a DDT! Dax countered with a DDT on Trent!
“It’s a damn DDT fest,” said Jim Ross.
Best Friends nailed Strong Zero on Dax, but Cash saved his partner by breaking up the pin attempt. Cash dropped Trent with a brain-buster on the arena floor! Trent went to spear Cash on the outside but Cash moved and Trent went headfirst into the arcade game cabinet that Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford were playing ringside. Kip ordered Penelope to “Go get him!” and pointed to the back.
While the referee was distracted, Cash swung his heavyweight championship belt at Trent and FTR sealed the victory!
“Did you hear the crack on that skull?” asked Jim Ross.
Best Friends hugged after the defeat, but “The Best Man” Miro sprinted from the back and laid waste to Best Friends! Miro was getting revenge on Best Friends for breaking Kip’s arcade game cabinet.
Up next: Kip Sabian (with fiancé Penelope Ford) & “The Best Man” Miro vs. Sean Maluta & Lee Johnson!
Miro was mauling Lee and Sean! Sabian tagged in to pick up the scraps and splashed Maluta with a diving body press. Miro tagged back in and applied his “Game Over” finisher and left Maluta no choice but to tap!
Miro, still outraged that Best Friends damaged Kip’s arcade machine, grabbed the microphone and said, “Good Friends, you break my s—t!”
Backstage Lance Archer was attacking champ Jon Moxley! AEW officials had to pry Archer away from Mox!
Time for MJF’s Big Announcement!
MJF walked out to the ring with Wardlow. “I’m not here to get on top, I’m here to stay on top, baby,” said MJF. He then introduced “Demo God” Chris Jericho and invited him out to the ring.
Jericho and the Inner Circle walked out, all wearing Inner Circle jackets gifted to them by MJF, except Sammy Guevara. Jericho ordered Sammy to put the jacket on because it was a gift. The jacket was five sizes too large for Sammy.
“Wow, fits like a glove,” said MJF.
MJF started complimenting Jericho’s physique and his full head of hair.
“All right, Max, cut the s—t! You promised a groundbreaking announcement so let’s hear it,” said Jericho.
“Chris, we’ve never gotten physical in an AEW ring. You never see two piranhas eating each other, you know why? Mutual respect, and we’re two predators swimming around prey. Unfortunately our prey is adapting and we’re going to need to adapt if we want to stay on top. So Chris, what if we work together?” asked MJF.
“What are you getting at Max?” replied Jericho.
“Christopher, I might maybe, possibly, hypothetically want to join the Inner Circle,” said MJF.
“We don’t want you in the Inner Circle,” snapped Ortiz.
“Hold on! How about next week you and I meet up one-on-one for a steak dinner?” asked Jericho.
“You’re on!” said MJF.
Footage played from earlier in the day of Tony Schiavone with Dr. Britt Baker at a spa. “Rule #5, to quote the legendary Jim Ross, ‘Be the baddest bitch on the block!’” said Britt Baker.
It was time for the AEW TNT Title Match!
TNT champion “The American Nightmare” Cody (with Brandi Rhodes and Arn Anderson) vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!
Darby Allin was seen watching on from high up in the arena.
“There’s no way Cody is 100% after last week’s brutal dog collar match against Mr. Brodie Lee,” remarked Jim Ross.
Cody tried to startle Cassidy early on but Cassidy remained calm, cool and collected. Cody went for a collar and elbow lock up but “Freshly Squeezed” avoided it and then planted his hands in his pockets. Cody grew frustrated and pushed Orange hard, knocking Orange’s sunglasses off his head. The two men finally locked up, a first for Orange in AEW!
Cody took down Orange with a waist lock and maintained control. Orange managed to escape and turned his back to Cody, who interpreted it as a sign of disrespect. Cody grew more angered and frustrated with his opponent who displayed some nice technical wrestling. Cody lifted Orange up with a delayed vertical suplex and then pancaked him!
Orange got the better of Cody’s temper and hit him with a tope suicida! John Silver of the Dark Order grabbed the TNT Championship, but AEW officials saw this and ejected Dark Order from the ringside area. Cody went for CrossRhodes but Orange countered with a roll-up and then a stun dog millionaire, which rattled Cody. Cassidy tried for the Orange Punch but Cody defended with a basement dropkick! Cody slammed Orange’s leg into the ring post. Cody nailed Orange with the Disaster Kick, right on the money, but Orange kicked out at two! Cody applied a single leg crab on Orange.
“Orange is fighting his ass off!” said Jim Ross.
Cody hoisted Orange Cassidy onto the top turnbuckle and punched him in the back of the neck. Cody dropped Orange with a reverse suplex off the top! Orange kicked out at two! Orange dug deep and connected with a diving DDT on Cody. Orange planted Cody with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall! Cody countered Orange with a figure four leg lock, working over the leg and the ankle! Orange pulled out the Beach Break on Cody on the ring apron!
“Cody is out on his feet here,” said Tony Schiavone.
Orange attempted an Orange Punch but Cody countered, trying for CrossRhodes, but then Orange countered with another Beach Break but Cody kicked out! Orange rolled up Cody but as the referee was counting…one…two…the bell rang! Time was up! We went to a time limit draw tonight!
Alex Marvez attempted to interview Lance Archer backstage but Jon Moxley attacked Archer! Another brawl broke out and they had to be separated again!
Matt Hardy was being interviewed at ringside by Tony Schiavone and he informed us that he has been medically cleared to wrestle again. A video played on the big monitor, interrupting Matt Hardy. Sammy Guevara appeared on the screen and he revealed that he was the one who attacked Matt!
Tony Schiavone said next week we will have four teams competing and the winning team will be the #1 contenders for FTR’s championship, facing them at FULL GEAR!
Names were picked randomly.
Team 1: Private Party.
Team 2: Silver & Reynolds of Dark Order.
Team 3: The Butcher & The Blade!
Team 4: The Young Bucks!
The Young Bucks said they weren’t here to superkick Tony Schiavone tonight and instead dished out superkicks to everyone else in the ring!
“This tag team scene is warming up hotter and hotter every week,” said Jim Ross.
Up next: An AEW Women’s World Title Match!
AEW Women’s Champ Hikaru Shida vs. Big Swole!
Swole and Shida locked up early on. Swole transitioned from a headlock into a top wrist lock. Shida swept out Swole’s leg but Big Swole floated over.
“Some great chain wrestling here,” observed Jim Ross.
Swole and Shida exchanged (and countered) pinning attempts. Shida was attempting to match Swole’s power, which Jim Ross thought was a bad strategy, given Swole’s natural strength. Shida nailed Swole with a running knee strike! Shida draped Swole over the steel guardrail. Shida jumped off a folding chair, connecting with another knee to Big Swole!
Back in the ring, Swole headbutted Shida! Swole caught Shida with a big roundhouse kick! Swole followed up with two cutters on Shida for a near fall! Swole attempted her Dirty Dancing finisher but Shida countered with a Falcon Arrow. Swole kicked out at two! Swole finally hit Dirty Dancing but Shida grabbed the bottom rope to stop the ref’s count! Shida rallied back with two running knees to Swole and scored the pin!
A video package aired of Shawn Spears, who claimed that Scorpio Sky owed him for what happened during his match on AEW Late Night DYNAMITE a few weeks ago. Spears said he planned on collecting his debt!
Eddie Kingston joined the broadcast booth for this next match.
It was main event time—An AEW World Title Match! And now, per Tony Khan, it’s a No DQ Match!
AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts)!
Moxley immediately hit a Paradigm Shift on Archer for a near fall! Moxley followed up with a tope suicida! They brawled on the outside, with Archer ramming Mox into the steel guardrail!
Moxley clotheslined Archer and Archer smiled and shrugged it off! The challenger then pounced on Moxley with a cannonball senton!
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a slobber knocker here,” said Jim Ross.
Archer pulled folding tables out from beneath the ring and set them up on the floor. Back in the ring, Archer punished Moxley with brutal offense including a big boot to the head! Archer attempted to chokeslam Mox onto the tables but Mox countered with a stiff forearm. Moxley used a release German suplex on Archer. Mox collided with Archer, taking Archer off his feet with a running lariat.
Moxley threw a steel chair and it smashed right into Archer’s face! Mox set up two folding chairs in the ring. Mox attempted a Death Valley Driver but Archer countered with a chokeslam, driving Mox’s body onto the steel chairs! Moxley surprised Archer with a kneebar. Archer grabbed the bottom rope and pulled himself out. Moxley left his feet for a tope suicida but Archer was prepared and hit him with a garbage can! Moxley nailed Archer with a Paradigm Shift off the apron, crashing down through the tables to the floor!
“Soften him up for my family,” said Eddie Kingston.
Moxley used another Paradigm Shift, but Archer kicked out! Archer DDT’ed Mox and then used the Blackout on Mox! The champ countered and rolled up Archer for the victory!
Eddie Kingston sent the Lucha Bros down to the ring with steel chairs! Kingston was on the microphone and he reminded Moxley that he never tapped out. Kingston caught a fatigued Moxley off guard with a spinning backfist and then choked him out. Kingston grabbed Moxley’s championship title and threw it down on him.
“This is what it’s about. It’ll be mine. I never tapped!” said Eddie Kingston.
This is just the beginning! Be sure to join us next Wednesday for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT!