November 20, 2019, ALL ELITE WRESTLING (AEW) made its debut from the Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN, with ALL ELITE WRESTLING DYNAMITE on the TNT Network!
Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
Kicking off a stacked card, it was Nick Jackson of The Young Bucks in singles competition against Rey Fenix of The Lucha Bros!
Nick Jackson hasn’t wrestled in a singles bout in 202 matches, but Fenix’s last singles outing was approximately 23 days ago, so it seemed Fenix had the edge going in. This was a dream match, and the AEW fans in attendance were on their feet as the match began.
Both competitors are very familiar with one another, and it showed as they countered offense before trading chops. Jim Ross said, “There may be no one better in the business right now that Rey Fenix.” Jackson missed a dive to the outside, and Fenix planted him with a quick cutter. Fenix followed up with a senton atomico onto Nick. Fenix tried the tightrope walk but Nick avoided it and used a bulldog and a running knee strike for a two count on Fenix! Both men balanced on the ropes and Nick managed a top rope hurracana on Fenix. The arena erupted! Nick and Fenix exchanged superkicks with one another in the center of the ring. The crowd chanted “A-E-Dub! A-E-Dub!”
Nick and Fenix fought out onto the ring apron area. Nick connected with a roundhouse and then a stalling German suplex onto Fenix! Nick spiked Fenix with a facebuster and then a Canadian destroyer for a two count, but he rolled through with a sharpshooter. Fenix barely escaped as he reached for the bottom rope, causing the ref to break the submission hold. After a rapid-fire exchange of offense, Fenix hit the muscle buster on Nick Jackson for the three-count victory! Fenix clapped his hands to applaud Nick’s efforts, and Nick offered to shake Fenix’s hand, but Fenix fluffed it off. This was an absolutely incredible pro wrestling match!
Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Hikarus Shida was the second match of tonight’s episode of DYNAMITE.
Baker and Shida exchanged stiff strikes. Baker was hurled into the steel guardrail outside. Shida placed a steel chair on the ground, sprinted and launched herself off the chair with a knee to Baker’s face. Baker was having breathing issues, as it appeared her nose was broken. Baker used a sling blade and then a pump handle facebuster on Shida for a two count. Baker used a pendulum DDT onto Shida for another near fall. Shida fought free of a neck breaker and caught Baker on the jaw with yet another knee. Shida hit a judo style hip toss and then a nasty backbreaker onto Baker. Shida hit another running knee, but a bloody Baker rolled through with a submission hold. Shida escaped and hit a falcon arrow on Baker. Another knee strike from Shida onto Baker was enough to earn the “W” in a hard fought battle. Shida is the new #1 contender in the AEW women’s division!
A vignette aired shining some light into the origins of The Dark Order.
The Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal was next.
Pentagon was the first to be eliminated after being distracted by Christopher Daniels, who had been wearing a Fenix mask at ringside. Sonny Kiss, who was twerking for Billy Gunn, was tossed out by MJF. A lariat from Billy Gunn sent Jimmy Havoc over the top rope to the outside, and then Billy Gunn eliminated Marco Stunt. Jimmy Havoc came back into the ring with a staple gun and began stapling the remaining competitors, until the AEW referees were able to restore order.
Shawn Spears ran to the ring and knocked Joey Janela off the top rope, eliminating Janela from the match. Orange Cassidy stood up, put his hands in his pockets and ”kicked” Billy Gunn. MJF had seen enough and disposed of Cassidy. Billy Gunn asserted himself and attempted to eliminate MJF, but MJF managed to hang on. Wardlow walked down to the ring and distracted Gunn, and “Hangman” Page took advantage of the opportunity and turned Gunn inside out with the Buckshot lariat! Kip Sabian was eliminated by MJF, who had been playing possum, and then Jungle Boy was flipped to the outside. The remaining two wrestlers were “Hangman” Adam Page and MJF, who will meet next week on DYNAMITE in one-on-one action.
“Le Champion” Chris Jericho, the AEW World Champion, accompanied by Jake Hager, made their way to the ring to make Jericho’s huge announcement.
Jericho told the fans to sit down and shut up, while Hager watched on silently. But before his announcement, Jericho said he wanted to apologize for his tantrum last week after losing to Scorpio Sky. Jericho promised next week in Chicago, he will finally get the thank you he deserves from the higher-ups at TNT/TBS and AEW. It’ll be a “Thanksgiving Thank-You Celebration for Le Champion.”
SCU’s music hit! Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky confidently strutted down to the ring. Sky had a microphone and said “Jericho was a paragon of virtue” for apologizing for last week’s tantrum. Sky said he was responsible for Jericho’s first pinfall loss in AEW, and he felt he owed Jericho the apology for upsetting him and causing the tantrum. Jericho said he thinks that’s “cuter than Baby Yoda” but Sky isn’t the same caliber as Le Champion. After some reverse psychology, Jericho insisted on a one-on-one match next week against Scorpio Sky with the AEW World championship on the line. Scorpio Sky responded: “I’ve been waiting 15+ years for an opportunity just like this and maybe next week I’ll turn Le Champion into Le B—ch!”
The Inner Circle stormed the ring and assaulted SCU, cuffing the wrists of Kazarian and Daniels to the ring ropes, forcing them to watch as Jericho nailed the Judas Effect on Scorpio Sky!
Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy ran down to back up their friends in SCU, but were quickly wiped out by Jericho. Luchasaurus came down next, and The Inner Circle retreated, except for Jake Hager, who stood toe-to-dino-toe with Luchasarus. It appeared like the two were going to duke it out, but tonight discretion may have been the better part of valor for Hager, as he stepped out of the ring and headed to the back.
“The Librarian” Peter Avalon vs. Luchasauras was next. After a devastating slam, Luchasaurus made quick work of Avalon earning the victory in less than a minute.
“Proud & Powerful” Santana and Ortiz vs. Private Party, Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen, competed in honor of their late friend, pro wrestler Matt Travis.
Santana face-washed Kassidy. There was an avalanche Russian leg sweep from Santana onto Quen, but Kassidy broke up the pinfall. Santana put Quen in a stalling vertical suplex, who then traded Quen to Ortiz, who then tagged in Santana, who then tagged in Ortiz. The entire time Quen had all the blood rush to his head, as he was suspended in this stalled vertical suplex, before Ortiz finally dropped Quen down square on his head! Ortiz squatted low into a Boston crab on Quen. Proud & Powerful were dominating up to this point.
Kassidy was able to get the hot tag and he cleaned house on Ortiz and Santana. Kassidy hit a beautiful quebrada onto Santana and then a “code red” onto Ortiz. Private Party tried for the Silly String maneuver, but Quen’s back was too injured to hold Kassidy’s weight. Santana pulled out the loaded sock, but Nick Jackson ran down and grabbed it. Private Party delivered their Gin and Juice finisher, with Kassidy getting the pin on Ortiz!
Sammy Guevara bolted to the ring and attacked Jackson, but Dustin Rhodes came out to even up the odds, neutralizing “the Spanish God” Guevara as he was vlogging! Dustin Rhodes, Nick Jackson, Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen celebrated in the ring.
Kenny Omega was shown lifting weights with Michael Nakazawa. Omega said he let his guard down against PAC in Chicago at ALL OUT, but next week, he’d start his path to redemption at PAC’s expense!
The main event of the evening was Darby Allin vs. Jon Moxley!
Darby Allin crowd surfed to the entrance ramp in a body bag. He unzipped the body bag, and came down to the ring on his skateboard. The body bag had the letters “M-O-X” on it. Jon Moxley entered through the crowd. As Moxley climbed over the rail to get to the ring, Darby onto Moxley.
The two brawled into the crowd. Moxley gave a belly-to-belly suplex onto Darby on the floor outside. Darby gave a shotgun dropkick to Moxley, and went for the crossbody but bounced right off his opponent. Moxley ran and dropkicked Darby in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Moxley went for a submission with the STF, but Darby dug his elbows in and crawled to the ropes. Darby continued to fight back, throwing Moxley into the metal ring steps.
There were dueling chants of “Let’s go Moxley! Let’s go Darby!” They went to the top turnbuckle, and Moxley sent Darby crashing to the canvas. Moxley forced Darby outside with a running knee. Undeterred, Darby hit the tope suicida onto Moxley, and then carried the body bag into the ring. Moxley greeted him with a lariat!
Moxley stuffed Darby into the body bag and began to stomp on him. Moxley kicked him a few more times until the referee finally released Darby from the bag. Darby bit the fingers of Moxley and then executed a stunner on Moxley. Darby’s fighting spirit was countered by a black hole slam. Moxley tried for the Paradigm Shift but Darby escaped! Darby went for the coffin drop but Moxley was ready for him. Darby landed right into Moxley’s rear naked chokehold. Somehow Darby rolled up Moxley for a near fall! Both men climbed to the top rope, where Moxley bit Darby’s face, and then blasted Darby with an avalanche Paradigm Shift for the victory!
Be sure to tune in next Wednesday, November 27th, as AEW returns to Chicago and the Sears Centre Arena for another combustible edition of AEW DYNAMITE on TNT!