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AEW Dynamite Results for June 11, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Friday night, and you know what that means!

“Business is about to pick up,” said Jim Ross, as The Pinnacle pulled up to Daily’s Place in a limousine.

Our opener was Christian Cage vs. Angelico (with “Big Money” Matt Hardy and Jack Evans)!

Christian Cage took Angelico to the mat with a headlock takedown. Angelico, so silky smooth with his catch-as-catch-can techniques, grappled with Christian and then stomped on Christian’s left arm. He whipped Christian shoulder and arm first into the turnbuckle.

“Christian Cage receiving quite a bit of punishment to the upper body and arm,” observed Excalibur.

Angelico used a hybrid wrestling/MMA arm breaker but Christian finally made it to the ropes to cause ref Aubrey Edwards to break the hold. Christian Cage countered Angelico with an inverted DDT off the top turnbuckle. The momentum began to swing as Christian connected with a missile dropkick for a near fall on Angelico. Christian Cage was right on the money with a diving headbutt to his opponent!

Angelico surprised Christian Cage with a kick and then a jackknife cover for a two-count. There was a collision in the middle of the ring, dazing both wrestlers. Angelico charged in but Christian rocked him with a pendulum kick. Christian Cage hit the Kill Switch and pinned Angelico!

Jack Evans jumped into the ring and tried to blindside Christian Cage, but Christian dispatched of Evans. Matt Hardy, like a snake in the grass, slithered into the ring and attacked Christian Cage with the Twist of Fate! Jungle Boy ran down to the aid of Christian Cage!

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes was in the ring with Tony Schiavone to make an announcement!

Schiavone said that next week, it’ll be Aaron Solow and QT Marshall against Brock Anderson (the son of “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson) and Cody Rhodes! Brock Anderson will be making his debut next week on DYNAMITE!

“If anyone can do it, I think Brock Anderson can do it. I also wouldn’t mind a modicum of revenge myself against Anthony Ogogo,” said Cody Rhodes.

QT Marshall interrupted the interview to tell Cody that he didn’t need any help beating Cody.

“I’m sick of this Cody. You’ve been skipping guys like Comorotto and dodging Aaron Solow, and this is how this whole things started. When AEW goes back on the road in Miami on July 7th, Cody I want a full house because I want to whoop your ass. And I don’t mean metaphorically, I mean literally…in a South Beach Strap Match,” said Marshall.

QT Marshall took off his belt and got a cheap shot on Arn Anderson! Brock Anderson lunged at Marshall, and Marshall backed off while refs separated everyone.

World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) & Brandon Cutler (with Don Callis)


“Mad King” Eddie Kingston & The Death Triangle (“The Bastard” PAC & Penta El Zero Miedo)!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

PAC walloped Matt Jackson with a forearm at the start of the match. Matt forced Brandon to tag in. PAC rammed Brandon with a massive back elbow! Kingston wanted to tag in, but PAC bypassed him and tagged in Penta El Zero Miedo.

Penta El Zero Miedo chopped Cutler’s chest and then tagged in Eddie Kingston. “The Mad King” bludgeoned and battered the midsection of Brandon Cutler. Kingston used a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall on The Bucks’ stooge, Brandon Cutler. PAC tagged in and manhandled Brandon Cutler, throwing him into The Buck’s corner. PAC fired off on both Bucks until Nick Jackson used a dirty hold, tripping up PAC.

“PAC is very resilient. Mentally and physically tough,” said Jim Ross.

PAC leveled Cutler with a spin kick and tagged in Kingston. Eddie caught Nick Jackson and took him down with an exploder suplex! Kingston tagged in Penta El Zero Miedo and spiked Matt Jackson with a Canadian Destroyer! Penta El Zero Miedo used a backstabber on Nick Jackson on the ring apron!

“Time is becoming an issue,” observed Jim Ross.

PAC crashed down on Matt Jackson with the 450 splash and then locked on the Brutalizer! Nick Jackson finally forced PAC to relinquish the hold. PAC seemed reluctant to trust Kingston and this hesitation almost cost him. Kingston came in and wiped-out Cutler with a spinning backfist for the pin! The Bucks, with the help of The Good Brothers, assaulted PAC and Kingston after the match! “The Elite Hunter” Frankie Kazarian ran down and helped clear the ring of The Elite!

“The Invisible Hand” Don Callis wanted to blow the lid off the conspiracy to “screw Kenny Omega out of the AEW World Title” at DOUBLE OR NOTHING.

Callis played doctored footage that changed the narrative of the match, and the fans’ reaction to Kenny Omega. Those who saw DOUBLE OR NOTHING and paid attention realize that Don Callis was trying to con them with this manipulated and edited-in-post footage.

MJF and The Pinnacle wanted to get some things off their chest after losing to the Inner Circle at Stadium Stampede II.

Dax said he and Cash didn’t care about Santana and Ortiz, and that’s why they impaled them with spiked piledrivers. Shawn Spears said Sammy Guevara got the moment of a lifetime at Spears’ expense. Wardlow said Jake Hager was obsessed with him because Wardlow brings out the best in Hager during each battle. Wardlow accepted Hager’s challenge to an MMA match.

MJF said he grew up idolizing Chris Jericho. He said it should have been a dream come true to work with Jericho, but MJF called Jericho a “false idol” who wasn’t on MJF’s level. MJF denied Jericho’s match request.

Jericho appeared on the big screen above the ramp, interrupting MJF’s comments. Jericho said MJF could brag all he wanted about his little speech…as MJF is walking home. The Inner Circle demolished and vandalized The Pinnacle’s limo! Jake Hager pulled up in a forklift and totaled the vehicle after ramming into it!

“What a moment! Never going to forget this one. To say it’s all done between the Inner Circle and The Pinnacle would be dead wrong. It’s just getting started,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Hey, Max, you’d better call an Uber,” Jericho said as he looked into the TV camera and laughed.

Sting & Darby Allin had an announcement for Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page!

Darby said he wanted Sting to stay home next week because he wants to face Sky and Page in a handicap match. “Just stay home, Sting, this one time, please,” said Darby.

“You got it. I’m not coming,” replied Sting.

“Darby Allin has made a very dangerous decision,” added Jim Ross on commentary.

TNT Title Match!

“The Best Man” Miro (c.) vs. Evil Uno (with The Dark Order)!

“Who’s been on more of a tear in AEW lately than Miro? Nobody,” said Jim Ross.

Miro shoved Evil Uno into the corner. Miro grappled Evil Uno to the mat. Miro landed serious body shots on Uno. Miro lunged at Evil Uno, but Evil Uno pulled down the rope, forcing Miro to tumble to the outside. Evil Uno took Miro off his feet with a senton off the apron!

Miro pulled Evil Uno off the turnbuckle and suplexed him with brute force! Miro continued the onslaught with suplexes and stiff kicks to Evil Uno.

“This is a scientific dissection of Evil Uno by Miro,” said Excalibur.

Stu Grayson and Alan Angels joined Evil Uno down by the ringside area to motivate and support Uno. Miro clotheslined Grayson over the barricade. Miro tore off the top turnbuckle pad, but Evil Uno used the opportunity to connect with a jawbreaker on Miro! Uno charged into the corner with two clotheslines and then a big Brodie Lee-esque boot to Miro! Evil Uno connected with a senton atomico, but Miro kicked out at the one-count!

The Dark Order, including -1, cheered on Evil Uno from the ramp! Evil Uno, with a tribute to Mr. Brodie Lee, smashed Miro with a discus lariat! Miro barely budged and then forced Evil Uno to tap out after applying the Game Over submission!

“Miro broke the hearts of the Dark Order contingent here at ringside,” said Jim Ross.

Next week on Friday night DYNAMITE, Jim Ross sits down with Andrade El Idolo!

Tony Schiavone introduced AEW World Champion Kenny Omega, who was accompanied by Don Callis.

Tony Schiavone questioned Callis about how they tried to tie Jungle Boy into this AEW conspiracy to take the belt off Kenny Omega.

“Jungle Boy, to me and Kenny Omega, you’re just a one-hit wonder,” said Don Callis.

“I know I’m supposed to sell this match against Jungle Boy, and guess what, I can’t bring myself to say anything disparaging about you…because I see a little bit of a young Kenny Omega in you. But there’s something missing in you that I can’t quite put my finger on,” interjected Kenny Omega.

“You’ve got it all Jungle Boy but unfortunately for you, you don’t have the guts to get in the ring—” said Don Callis, but Callis was cut off by Jungle Boy’s entrance theme! Jungle Boy joined Omega and Callis in the ring.

“I’ve never known you to be a promo guy or to talk or to have confidence to step in front of a champion. In fact, I know you have nothing to say, and you don’t have the guts,” said Kenny Omega.

Jungle Boy grabbed the microphone from Kenny Omega.

“Man, you talk way too much,” said Jungle Boy.

Omega tried for a cheap shot, but Jungle Boy blocked it. But then Omega raked Jungle Boy’s eyes! Jungle Boy tried to lock on the Snare Trap submission, but The Young Bucks sprinted down to the ring to save Omega.

Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling had some words.

“Jade has a family to feed and we’re going to make sure that family is fed for years to come. And that family has expensive tastes. You’re going to be a household name. Tell them why you’re a star,” said Sterling.

“Because…I’m that bitch,” replied Jade Cargill.

Scorpio Sky and “All Ego” Ethan Page had words for Darby Allin.

“Darby, we allowed you to go get a new partner for yourself, but you’re choosing to go at it all alone?!” said Scorpio Sky.

“Darby, you’re dumb enough to sign up for a handicap match against the Men of the Year?” asked Ethan Page.

“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts) vs. Chandler Hopkins!

Archer charged at Chandler and smashed him with a chokeslam! Archer quickly won the match with the Blackhole Slam!

The Wingmen mocked Orange Cassidy’s attire and offered to make-over his outfit.

“Accept…or I will make-over your face,” said Cezar Bononi.

“The Native Beast” Nyla Rose (with Vickie Guerrero) vs. “Legit” Leyla Hirsch!

Nyla Rose blindsided Leyla Hirsch. Leyla went for a crossarm breaker, but Nyla saved herself in the ropes. Nyla was knocked to the outside after a big shotgun dropkick from Leyla. Nyla intercepted a tope suicida from Leyla! “The Native Beast” rammed Leyla into the edge of the ring.

Back in the ring, Leyla tossed Nyla across the ring with a release German suplex! Leyla got a near fall after a moonsault press! Leyla locked in an armbar, but Nyla picked her off the mat and slammed her back down. Nyla muscled up Leyla and hung her up to dry on the top rope. Leyla climbed up to the top turnbuckle, but Nyla smashed her with an avalanche Beast Bomb, scoring the victory!

Backstage, Tony Schiavone was with AEW Women’s Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., and Rebel.

Britt Baker said she was upset with Nyla for interrupting her championship celebration last week, but then added that Nyla “looked good flipping those burgers, and maybe she should stick to flipping burgers.”

It was time for the main event!

“Hangman” Adam Page & Pres10 Vance (with “-1” & The Dark Order) vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage & Powerhouse Hobbs!

Taz joined the commentary team for the match.

“Hangman” Page got a two-count after a standing moonsault press on “The Machine” Brian Cage. “The Machine” answered back with forearms. 10 got the blind tag and nailed Cage with heavy shots and then a running pump kick!

Hobbs tagged in and with the help of Cage, they powerbombed Pres10 Vance!

“No one is giving an inch in this war,” said Jim Ross.

Hobbs got blasted with a pump kick from Pres10 and then “Hangman” tagged in. Page tried for a clothesline, but Hobbs didn’t blink. Page took down Hobbs after a moonsault press from the top rope! Hobbs wiped out Page after a massive crossbody! The heavy-handed “Hangman” walloped Hobbs with a forearm and then tagged in Pres10!

Pres10 smashed Hobbs into the mat with a spinebuster! Cage tagged in and got a near fall after a German suplex! Hook distracted the referee and Ricky Starks tossed the FTW Belt at Cage, but Brian Cage didn’t want it. Starks questioned Cage, and Cage stormed after Starks to the backstage area!

“He abandoned his teammate in the middle of a match!” said an outraged Taz.

Pres10 went from the rip cord into the stunner! “Hangman” followed up with the Buckshot Lariat, and this allowed Pres10 Vance to pin Hobbs and grab the victory for the Dark Order!

“What a way to cap off DYNAMITE. We look forward to everyone joining us next Friday for DYNAMITE,” said Excalibur.

Be sure to catch AEW DYNAMITE next week Friday—live on TNT!


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