Tonight AEW presented REVOLUTION 2022, broadcast live from Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, Florida!
It’s Sunday night and you know what that means!
Tony Schiavone and Excalibur were the broadcast team for the Buy-In portion of the show.
“The Galaxy’s Greatest Alien” Kris Statlander vs. “Legit” Leyla Hirsch!
Statlander used a side headlock takeover on Leyla. They fought outside the ring and “Legit” Leyla placed Kris’ arm behind the metal ring steps and then dropkicked them, smashing Kris’ arm. Excalibur brought to our attention Leyla’s newfound more aggressive attitude.
Hirsch applied a cross armbar on Statlander but Statlander escaped. Statlander applied leg scissors to Hirsh but Hirsh countered with elbows. They stood and traded forearms. Statlander blasted Hirsch with the blue thunder bomb for a near fall. Hirsh hit a step-up hurracanrana taking Kris off the ring apron and sending her crashlanding on the arena floor.
Hirsh pulled a metal turnbuckle hook from underneath the ring and cracked Kris in the head with it. Hirsh followed up with a moonsault press for the pin on Statlander!
Red Velvet sprinted down to the ring to check on Statlander after the match.
Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Kenny Omega!
Schiavone introduced Omega but instead Don Callis, Kenny Omega’s advisor, walked to the ring. Omega was nowhere in sight.
Callis: “Were you expecting somebody else? Sorry you don’t get Kenny Omega tonight. Kenny Omega and I gave you the greatest world title run in the history of this business! All while Kenny had catastrophic injuries, and I blame all of you for that, because you fans sucked the blood out of Kenny Omega.
“It’s going to be a great night for the Elite because I expect the Young Bucks will win the AEW World Tag Team title matches tonight. And Kenny has created a group within a group and if Kenny were here tonight, he’d be winning the AEW World Championship. But since Kenny isn’t here, I know Adam Cole will win and will be a fantastic transitional champion right until Kenny Omega walks back through these doors and takes the belt back!”
HOOK vs. QT Marshall!
Taz joined the commentary team for this match.
HOOK flattened out QT with a reverse ankle pick. HOOK tried for a freestyle bow and arrow but QT grabbed the ropes. HOOK delivered vicious body shots and then a headbutt to QT!
“The cold-hearted handsome devil has not even broken a sweat,” said Excalibur.
QT connected with a cheap shot on HOOK. QT tried for a pump kick but HOOK caught him and then exploded with a capture suplex to QT. HOOK hit a Northern Lights suplex on QT for a near fall. HOOK submitted QT after the Red Rum!
Death Triangle—PAC, Penta Oscura & Erick Redbeard (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. The House of Black—Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black!
Black hit a high kick on “The Bastard” PAC! Buddy Matthews and Penta Oscura tagged in for their respective teams. Matthews wrenched back the fingers of Penta Oscura. Penta Oscura and Matthews had a stare down.
Redbeard and Brody King tagged in and rammed each other with shoulder blocks.
“Look at this collision!” said Excalibur.
The House of Black intervened and charged at PAC and Penta Oscura. Redbeard used a sliding dropkick on Brody King!
Brody King flew at Penta Oscura with a senton cannonball. Malakai Black tagged in and he and Buddy Matthews double teamed Penta Oscura. PAC tagged in and rocked Buddy with a sole butt. PAC got caught by Matthews who DDT’ed PAC through the ropes!
Black tagged in and snap suplexed PAC. Matthews got into the ring and punted PAC in the spine. PAC fought his way out and tagged Penta Oscura who cleaned house on the House of Black! Penta Oscura spiked Buddy with a destroyer for a near fall!
“Matthews got stuck by Penta Oscura. Welcome to All Elite Wrestling, Mr. Matthews,” said Excalibur.
Redbeard got a blind tag but ate a boot from Black. Redbeard retaliated with a cutter on Black. King clobbered PAC with a discus lariat! Redbeard and Brody King traded stiff shots! King nailed Redbeard with a Death Valley Driver! Brody King flew out of the ring with a tope suicida on Redbeard!
Penta Oscura was looking for Made in Japan on the apron but Malakai Black fought out of it. Penta Oscura landed the Fear Factor on the apron and tried to pin Black but Black wasn’t the legal man!
“The House of Black are so resilient,” said Tony Schiavone.
Black and Matthews surrounded Redbeard. Black wrecked Redbeard with a roundhouse kick! Redbeard struggled to his feet and attempted to chokeslam Black but Black sprayed the mist! Brody King smashed Redbeard with a piledriver and then Malakai Black pinned Redbeard!
“They have to resort to the black mist to win their matches. But it does more than help them win, it injures opponents,” said Schiavone.
The main card for REVOLUTION 2022 began, and Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth.
“The Influencer” Chris Jericho vs. “Mad King” Eddie Kingston!
Kingston drilled Jericho with the half and half suplex as the bell rang!
“Jericho landed on the crown of his head,” said Excalibur.
“He’s out on his feet, clutching his head,” replied Schiavone.
Kingston followed up with a hanging neck breaker, once again targeting the neck of Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho fired back with a palm strike. Jericho rammed Kingston’s head into the steel guardrail. Jericho pounded on Kingston’s orbital bone. Kingston and Jericho exchanged knife edged chops! Kingston DDT’ed Jericho for a near fall.
Jericho gouged Kingston’s eyes. Kingston bit down on Jericho’s forehead! Jericho brought Kingston down off the top turnbuckle with a hurracanrana!
“It’s amazing how many things Jericho is good at,” said Jim Ross.
Jericho tore off the top turnbuckle pad. Kingston came back with a suplex to Jericho. Chris Jericho suplexed Kingston off the ring apron, sending Kingston splatting on the arena floor!
The fans chanted “This is awesome!”
Back in the ring, Jericho dropped Kingston with a release German suplex. Jericho connected with a lionsault for a near fall!
Kingston staggered and caught Jericho with a desperation clothesline. Jericho grabbed the legs and applied the Walls of Jericho! Kingston grabbed the ropes and ref Aubrey Edwards broke the hold.
Kingston came back with a Saito suplex and then another on Jericho! Kingston popped Jericho with the spinning back fist for a near fall!
“What a physical ass-kicking match we have seen just to open REVOLUTION,” said Tony Schiavone.
Jericho grabbed Kingston with the Code Breaker for a near fall! Jericho slapped Kingston and yelled “Stay down! Stay down!”
“Jericho wants to use the Judas Effect on the orbital bone of Kingston,” said Excalibur.
Jericho fired backwards with the Judas Effect but Kingston moved—Jericho instead collided with the exposed turnbuckle. Kingston applied the stretch plum and Chris Jericho tapped!
“Eddie won the big one here tonight to kick off REVOLUTION,” said Excalibur.
“Kingston beat one of the very best in the world by submission,” replied Jim Ross.
Kingston tried to shake Jericho’s hand after the match but Jericho didn’t keep his word and walked off. “I can’t,” nodded Jericho.
AEW World Tag Team Title Match!
Champs Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus vs. ReDRagon—Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly vs. The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with associate stooge Brandon Cutler)!
Kyle kicked Jungle Boy’s leg and then applied a side headlock. Kyle put an armbar on Jungle Boy but Jungle Boy immediately grabbed the ropes to break the hold. Bobby Fish tagged in, wrenched Jungle Boy’s wrist, and then tagged in Matt Jackson. The Bucks tried tandem offense on Jungle Boy but Jungle Boy took both Bucks off their feet!
Luchasaurus tagged in and connected with overhand chops to ReDRagon and the Young Bucks! Jungle Boy wiped them out on the outside by flipping over the top rope!
The Young Bucks and ReDRagon showed off synergy by double teaming Luchasaurus outside the ring, stomping a mudhole on him. Things seemed to be breaking down in the agreement between ReDRagon and the Young Bucks though, as Kyle wouldn’t tag in the Bucks.
The Young Bucks hit a dropkick-running bulldog combination on Jungle Boy for a near fall. Matt Jackson and Kyle O’Reilly got into a shoving match.
“I think you can burn up that paper thin agreement between the two teams,” said Excalibur.
Luchasaurus tagged in and nailed the Bucks with tail whip kicks! He followed up with a moonsault press off the apron onto ReDRagon on the outside of the ring! Nick Jackson spiked Luchasaurus with a destroyer! Luchasaurus got back to his feet and planted both teams with chokeslams! Jurassic Express used the doomsday device on Matt Jackson for a near fall!
The arena erupted again into “This is awesome!” chants.
Matt Jackson and Kyle O’Reilly traded strikes. O’Reilly was almost knocked out of the ring by Jungle Boy and Matt Jackson until O’Reilly rebounded with a Nigel-style clothesline. Bobby Fish stacked up Jungle Boy with a suplex high on his neck for a near fall!
Bobby Fish got knocked off the top turnbuckle by a chop from Jungle Boy. Fish fired back by kicking out Jungle Boy’s legs. Bobby Fish retaliated with an avalanche exploder and then a diving headbutt on Jungle Boy!
Out of nowhere, Jungle Boy dropped a shooting star press on O’Reilly! Luchasaurus went for the pin but Nick Jackson broke it up with a 450 splash!
“What a war we are witnessing,” said Excalibur.
O’Reilly wiped out Jungle Boy by smashing the AEW Tag title into his head. ReDRagon hit the high-low on Jungle Boy but Luchasaurus broke up the pin attempt!
The fans began chanting “Fight forever!”
“The Bucks are hotter than hell,” said Jim Ross.
The Bucks launched a BTE Trigger on Jungle Boy. At the very last moment, O’Reilly broke up Matt Jackson’s pin attempt on Jungle Boy. Jurassic Express rebounded with the Thoracic Express to finish off Matt Jackson and pin him!
“An incredible defense by the AEW World Tag Team Champions,” said Excalibur.
Face of the Revolution Ladder Match!
Christian Cage vs. “Limitless” Keith Lee vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. FTW Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Wardlow!
The winner earns a TNT Title match at the St. Patrick’s Day Slam in San Antonio on the March 16th episode of DYNAMITE!
Taz joined the commentary team for this match.
Dan Lambert, Scorpio Sky, “All Ego” Ethan Page, and Paige Van Zant were watching the match from a luxury suite in the arena.
Keith Lee caught Orange Cassidy and then swung Cassidy into the competition like a battering ram! Lee grabbed the ladder and placed it under the brass ring. He started to make the climb until Wardlow stopped him and challenged him. Keith Lee climbed back down and had a stare down with Wardlow until Hobbs grabbed the ladder and rammed it into them!
Starks and Hobbs climbed the ladder but Cassidy knocked them down. Orange picked up the ladder and used it like a propeller, spinning at the other competitors. Powerhouse Hobbs dropped Orange with a delayed vertical suplex off the ladder! Christian Cage speared Powerhouse Hobbs into the ladder!
“There’s no give in that ladder,” said Taz.
Starks climbed the ladder but Wardlow yanked the ladder and sent Starks crashing and burning. Wardlow climbed the ladder with Starks and Orange Cassidy on his back! All six competitors climbed two ladders that were set up side by side. Wardlow and Hobbs slugged it out on top of the ladder until they knocked one another down!
Keith Lee launched Orange Cassidy out of the ring! Hobbs and Wardlow fired right hands at Keith Lee on the ramp. Wardlow and Hobbs grabbed a ladder on opposite sides and broke it in half! Hobbs took his half of the ladder and smacked Wardlow and Keith Lee with it! Wardlow shoulder blocked Hobbs and Keith Lee through the stage from the ramp!
“Hobbs and Lee are not moving a bit,” said Taz.
Starks climbed the ladder but Danhausen appeared out of nowhere and placed a curse on Starks! Wardlow powerbombed Christian Cage while Starks went back to climbing the ladder toward the brass ring. Wardlow jumped up on the ladder and powerbombed Starks onto another ladder! Wardlow grabbed the brass ring, unlatched it, and won the match!
Tony Schiavone was on the ramp for a special contract signing with “Swerve” Strickland!
Swerve: “The Real is back. I could go on and on about all the dream matches I’m going to have in AEW, and all the championships I’ve going to take. But I have a question I’m going to ask: Who’s house? Who’s house?”
The fans: “Swerve’s house!”
TBS Title Match!
Champ Jade Cargill (with “Smart” Mark Sterling) vs. Tay Conti (with Anna Jay)!
Jade tried for a pump kick but Tay blocked it. A second pump kick found its mark and rocked Tay Conti!
Tay used a Judo throw and then cracked Jade in the jaw with three pump kicks! Tay drilled Jade with a swinging DDT for a near fall. Tay Conti wiped out Mark Sterling when she jumped off the top rope to the floor! Jade nearly decapitated Anna Jay with a pump kick on the outside.
Anna Jay smacked Jade in the face with a steel chair! Tay rolled up Jade for a near fall! Tay DDT’ed Jade but Jade kicked out of the pin attempt!
“The champ is only going to get better and better. She’s 28-0,” said Jim Ross.
Jade walloped Tay with the Eye of the Storm for a two-count on Tay! Jade landed a frog splash for another near fall!
Tay spiked Jade with a piledriver! Tay climbed to the top rope but Jade shoved her from behind and sent Tay’s head smacking into the top of the post. Jade followed up with Jaded and pinned Tay Conti!
“No one has been able to withstand Jaded,” noted Excalibur.
“Very impressive 29-0,” added Jim Ross.
Dog Collar Match!
“The Second City Saint” CM Punk vs. MJF!
CM Punk made his entrance to AFI’s “Miseria Cantare” and his Ring of Honor-era attire!
Punk wrapped the chain around the ring post and used it as a fulcrum to pull Max into the corner! MJF grabbed the chain and yanked Punk out of midair. MJF wrapped the chain around his fist, wound up and punched Punk in the forehead. Punk was busted wide open!
“MJF raked the chain around the wound of Punk,” said Excalibur.
“Look at Punk’s face. It is a crimson mask,” said Jim Ross.
Punk headbutted MJF below the waistline! Punk hit a Russian leg sweep with the chain on MJF! Punk followed up with a rising knee strike in the corner and then a running bulldog! Punk whipped MJF across the back with the steel chain! Punk dropped his knee across the chain that was on MJF’s hand, trying to break MJF’s hand.
Punk hoisted up MJF for the GTS but MJF countered by digging his fingers into the busted-up forehead of CM Punk. Punk wrapped the chain around Punk and applied the sleeper. MJF attempted to piledrive Punk but had to let go because his injured hand couldn’t quite get the full grip on Punk.
MJF locked on the Salt of the Earth armbar! Punk rolled back for a crucifix on MJF for a near fall! MJF was about to hit the heat seeker but Punk countered by planting MJF hard on the canvas. Punk wrapped the chain around his right knee and cracked MJF in the face with the shining wizard leaping knee strike! MJF was knocked out of the ring and now he was busted wide open!
Punk wrapped the chain around his fist and began to drop right hands down on the head of MJF!
The fans chanted “You deserve it!”
Punk swung the chain, sending MJF into the steel ring steps. Punk wrapped the chain around his knee and tried again for the shining wizard but MJF dodged it, sending Punk crashing into the ring steps with his knee!
Punk signaled for the GTS. Punk hoisted up MJF but Punk’s knee gave out and he collapsed. Punk reversed a piledriver attempt from MJF and crushed MJF with a tombstone piledriver on the edge of the ring!
“So much blood has been spilled, the referee had to get a fresh set of gloves on. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before,” said Excalibur.
Punk wrapped the chain around his elbow and went for the elbow drop off the top rope but MJF rolled out of the way! MJF grabbed a bag from underneath the ring. He opened it up and spilled thumbtacks across the canvass of the ring!
MJF nearly knocked out Punk with a rising knee strike of his own. MJF was about to go for the running bulldog onto the thumbtacks but Punk bit on MJF’s hand!
Punk connected with a high roundhouse kick! Punk attempted to go for the Pepsi Plunge but MJF fought out of it. MJF superplexed Punk into the thumbtacks!
“Somehow Punk is blocking out the pain to at least stay coherent for his game plan,” said Jim Ross.
“Both men walking in a proverbial minefield,” replied Excalibur.
The dog collar came unhooked from Max’s neck. MJF shouted for Wardlow for backup. MJF was calling for the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Wardlow walked down but claimed he couldn’t find the ring and smirked.
Punk pulled back on the chain and MJF landed in the thumbtacks! Wardlow pulled out the Dynamite Diamond Ring and left it on the canvass for CM Punk to pick up! Wardlow walked off. Punk hit the GTS on MJF right into the thumbtacks, then popped MJF with the ring and pinned MJF!
“Can we say that Wardlow gave a ringing endorsement of this match?” asked Schiavone.
“MJF wasn’t aware that Wardlow left the ring there for CM Punk to grab,” said Jim Ross.
AEW Women’s World Title Match!
Champ Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (with Rebel and Jamie Hayter) vs. Thunder Rosa!
Britt and Rosa locked up with a tight collar and elbow tie up. Britt Baker used a double arm suplex and went right for the cover. Baker rolled through looking for the Lock Jaw but Thunder Rosa rolled out of it.
Thunder Rosa charged at Britt Baker but Baker moved out of the way. Baker connected with a neck breaker on Thunder Rosa. Baker distracted the referee while Jamie Hayter interfered from the outside.
Baker captured the wrists of Thunder Rosa and pulled her into the ring post, crushing her clavicle. Rebel and Hayter swarmed Thunder Rosa as Baker distracted ref Paul Turner.
Thunder Rosa went behind Baker and hurled her overhead with a German suplex! Thunder Rosa followed up with a drop toe hold and then a dropkick to Baker! Thunder Rosa used a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall on AEW Women’s World champion Dr. Britt Baker!
Baker countered a double knee stomp from Thunder Rosa with the air raid crash! Baker used a pendulum suplex on Thunder Rosa. Baker put on her surgical glove but Thunder Rosa hit Baker in the jaw with a running dropkick!
Thunder Rosa superplexed Baker and then dropped Baker with a neck breaker! Baker countered a thunder fire driver with a rip cord to Thunder Rosa! Britt Baker nailed Thunder Rosa with an avalanche air raid crash! Thunder Rose rallied back with a tombstone piledriver. Rebel distracted the referee, giving Britt enough time to clear the cobwebs.
“This thing is really going back and forth,” said Jim Ross.
Baker had Jamie Hayter toss in the AEW Women’s championship. Baker curb stomped Thunder Rosa onto the belt as the ref was distracted. Thunder Rosa kicked out of the pinning attempt. Britt Baker went for the lock jaw but Thunder Rosa countered with a half straight jacket. Baker tapped out but Rebel distracted the referee.
Thunder Rosa speared Rebel off the ring apron! When Thunder Rosa returned to the ring, Britt Baker curb stomped Thunder Rosa and pinned her!
“It was a hell of a match,” said Jim Ross.
“We’ve seen Baker retain many times before, by hook and by quite a bit of crook,” added Excalibur.
“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Jon Moxley!
Mox slapped at Bryan’s face, trying to bait Bryan into the center of the ring. Bryan used a snapmare and then kicked Mox across the spine.
Danielson and Moxley exchanged elbows. Moxley stomped Danielson down into the corner. Danielson blocked a kick from Moxley and took him down with a dragon screw. Danielson cracked Mox in the ribs with kicks.
“This is violent and physical as any match you’ll want to see,” said Tony Schiavone.
Moxley bull rushed Bryan into the corner, but Bryan answered with more kicks and then a snap suplex on Moxley.
“Shades of the original Tiger Mask, one of Bryan’s inspirations,” said Excalibur.
Moxley dodged a kick from Danielson and then countered with a Saito suplex. Moxley had a burst of power and slammed Danielson onto the mat, escaping a choke hold from Danielson.
Danielson and Moxley brawled outside the ring. Moxley had a huge gash on his forehead from repeated headbutts. Danielson returned to body shots with knee strikes to Mox’s ribs. Danielson fired off a rolling elbow but Mox returned fire with a King Kong lariat!
Danielson back suplexed Moxley from the top turnbuckle! Danielson dropped hammer and anvil elbows on the jaw of Moxley. Danielson applied a dragon sleeper on Moxley but Moxley made it to the bottom of the rope.
Moxley reversed a sleeper and hammered down on Bryan with elbow strikes. Moxley wrenched back with an arm breaker! Danielson escaped and put a cross face submission on Moxley—Moxley scratched his way across the canvas to the ring ropes.
“Moxley was able to weather the storm but can he do it again?” wondered Excalibur.
Moxley stomped at the side of Danielson’s head! Moxley grabbed a bulldog choke!
“Moxley is looking to slay the dragon and Danielson is fading!” said Excalibur.
Danielson was able to sneak in a triangle sleeper on Moxley. Danielson used the point of his elbow and smashed it into Moxley’s head. Moxley rolled back and pinned Danielson!
Danielson was shocked that Moxley pinned him. They continued to brawl until William Regal walked down and managed to talk sense into Moxley and Danielson by slapping them!
Regal ordered Danielson and Moxley to shake hands! They listened to their mentor and shook hands!
“They bled together, they fought together, and now will Moxley and Danielson team together?” asked Jim Ross.
Tornado Trios Match!
Darby Allin, TNT Champion Sammy Guevara, & Sting vs. The AHFO—Andrade El Idolo, Isiah Kassidy, & “Big Money” Matt Hardy!
Darby sprinted down the ramp and charged right at Andrade El Idolo! Jose the Assistant tried to get involved but Sting rammed Jose’s head onto the time keeper’s table.
Darby pulled out a folding chair and then placed a trash can over Jose’s head. Darby jumped from the ring and rocketed right at Jose! Andrade hoisted up Sammy and dropped Sammy across the ringside barricade.
Sting smashed the garbage can into Isiah and Hardy’s head! Sammy took out Isiah Kassidy with a double springboard cutter! Andrade dropkicked Sting and then flung Darby into the corner! Andrade double foot stomped Darby. Matt Hardy turned Sammy inside out with a Twist of Fate!
Marq Quen came out of nowhere and winged a chair at Sammy’s face. Private Party spiked Sammy with the Silly String on the arena floor! Sting bludgeoned Matt Hardy with a steel chair!
The Butcher and the Blade came out and began to pummel Sting and Darby! Isiah Kassidy climbed the lighting rig but Sammy climbed up there too! Sammy brought Kassidy down hard through tables with a Spanish Fly off the lighting rig!
Butcher and the Blade set up more tables, double-decker style. Matt Hardy caught Sting off guard with a low blow! Sting and Hardy brawled amongst the fans! Sting jumped from a balcony and splashed Andrade El Idolo through three tables below—New Jack-style! It was easily a fifteen-foot-high dive!
Darby used a Scorpion Death Drop on Hardy through a steel chair! Darby followed up with the Coffin Drop on Hardy and pinned him!
Main Event Time!
AEW World Title Match!
Champ “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Adam Cole #BayBay!
Cole rocked Page with elbow strikes. Page fired back with an elbow strike of his own, knocking Cole off his feet! “Hangman” used a short arm lariat and knocked Adam Cole off his feet again!
Page saw an opening and knocked Cole silly with a baseball dropkick. Page had Cole draped across the apron and smashed him with a running boot. Page tried for a lariat but Cole ducked, and Page’s arm smacked into the ring post!
Cole dropped Page’s neck across his knee. Cole followed up with a neck breaker. Cole hammered down with elbows on Page’s neck. “Hangman” fought back with a pop-up powerbomb onto the ring apron! He followed up with a moonsault to Cole outside the ring! Page was about to hit the Buck Shot Lariat but Cole sensed it and rolled out the ring.
Cole connected with a backstabber. Page came back with a Liger Bomb! Page attempted a moonsault but Cole countered with a superkick, knocking “Hangman” out of the air! Page planted Cole with the Dead Eye!
The fans chanted “This is awesome!”
Cole lunged in with a superkick to Page. “Hangman” was looking for a lariat but Cole countered with a cross face. Cole tried for a neck breaker but Page countered with a tombstone piledriver!
Champion and challenger battered one another in the center of the ring!
“It looks like a hockey fight but there’s no ice,” said Jim Ross.
Page shocked Cole with an avalanche fallaway slam off the top rope! ReDRagon ran down to the ring. The champ turned his back to survey the situation and Cole superkicked Page from behind! Cole followed up with a Panama Sunrise off the ring apron and onto the cold arena floor!
Cole went for another Panama Sunrise in the ring but Page blocked it. ReDRagon distracted the referee so Cole could low blow Page. Cole spiked Page with the Panama Sunrise and then lowered the boom with the running knee strike for a near fall!
“Man, what a match for the AEW World title,” said Jim Ross.
Page attempted the Buck Shot lariat but Cole countered with a superkick! Adam Cole was about to lower the boom but Page countered by falling to the mat.
ReDRagon grabbed the time keeper’s table and moved it next to the ring. Cole was going to use the Panama Sunrise through the table off the ring apron but Page countered with the Dead Eye! Dark Order ran down to the ring to even up the odds for “Hangman” Page.
Page blasted Cole with the Buckshot Lariat! Page went for the pin but Cole grabbed the bottom rope to break the pin. Page tied Cole to the ropes with his belt. Page hit Cole with superkicks. Cole finally freed himself but Page lowered the boom with a knee strike! Page followed up with the Buck Shot lariat and pinned Adam Cole!
“The AEW Champion retained this in a war,” said Jim Ross.
“What a breathtaking night of pro wrestling action,” replied Tony Schiavone.
Catch all the fallout from this historic REVOLUTION on AEW DYNAMITE airing on TBS this Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Hertz Arena in Estero, FL!
Missed out on what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? You can still order the replay of AEW REVOLUTION! It’s available on all major providers, Bleacher Report, and Fite TV (Int.)! See the REVOLUTION for yourself!
And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!