**Contains Spoilers**
September 5th, 2020, ALL ELITE WRESTLING presented the second annual ALL OUT event, live on pay-per-view!
Warning: this recap contains spoilers! If you missed any of the action from this historic night, order the replay now on pay-per-view, BRLive, and FITETV (international customers)!
Tony Schiavone and Excalibur were the commentators for the Buy In portion of ALL OUT.
The Buy-In Preshow kicked off with “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (with Sonny Kiss) vs. Serpentico (with Luther)!
Janela didn’t even wait for the introduction, blasting Serpentico with haymakers! “The Bad Boy” backdropped Serpentico on the arena floor! Luther decked Sonny Kiss on the outside, which was enough for Janela to be distracted; Serpentico pushed him off the top rope as this was going on. Serpentico used a thunderous knee strike on Janela! Serpentico crashed onto Janela with a foot stomp, good for only a one-count on the Bad Boy! Serpentico attempted the senton atomico but Janela got his knees up in time to defend himself. Janela followed up with a Death Valley Driver and the Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall on Serpentico! Janela went up to the high rent district, hitting Serpentico with the big elbow drop off the top rope, securing the victory!
Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy) vs. Dark Order’s #3 & #4 (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) was up next!
Silver and Kassidy began the match for their respective teams, trading wristlocks. Kassidy took down Silver with a deep arm drag and then a leg lariat. Private Party hit double dropkicks on the Dark Order members. Private Party followed up with a flapjack bulldog combination on Reynolds, building momentum.
“Great tandem wrestling by Private Party,” noted Tony Schiavone.
Reynolds dropped Kassidy with a backbreaker. Silver tagged in and began to unleash his wicked leg kicks on Kassidy’s chest. Now Dark Order gained the advantage on Private Party. Kassidy finally got the tag to Marq Quen, and Quen cleaned house on Silver and Reynolds! Private Party went for Silly String but Dark Order blocked it! Silver hit the F-5 on Marq Quen, but Quen lifted his shoulder before the three-count! Dark Order used a flurry of offense on Marq Quen, but it wasn’t enough to finish him off. Quen rocked Silver with a Pele kick and then tagged in Kassidy. They connected with Gin & Juice on Silver for the pin!
Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth for the official start of ALL OUT!
The opening contest of ALL OUT was a TOOTH & NAIL MATCH!
Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs Big Swole!
Big Swole pulled up to Dr. Baker’s dental office! Baker clobbered Swole over the head with her framed dental diploma. Swole got to her feet but “Reba” distracted Big Swole, giving Britt enough time to try to escape out the back door. Baker DDT’ed Big Swole on top of the “Role’s Royce”! Baker slammed Swole in the back with her crutches. Back inside the office, Baker dropped Big Swole onto the floor with a swinging neck breaker!
“You’re in my house! And I’m a dentist!” said Baker.
Baker rocked Big Swole with a superkick! Baker pulled out her dental drill; Swole moved and the drill perforated the chair! Reba handed Baker a syringe of Novocaine, but Big Swole blocked it and pushed it into Baker’s leg. Big Swole hit Dirty Dancing on Reba and Britt Baker. Swole got her revenge and finished the match by knocking out Britt Baker with a mask full of laughing gas!
The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson vs. Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (with Marko Stunt)!
Nick Jackson and Jungle Boy exchanged crisp offense at the start of the match, going hold for hold.
“It’s almost impossible to call this match with the sudden changes in direction,” said Jim Ross.
Luchasaurus tagged in, and the Bucks utilized quick tags of their own to take the big masked man off his feet!
Jungle Boy tagged in and Matt Jackson caught him with locomotion Northern Lights suplexes, starting at one end of the ring and then suplexing Jungle Boy all the way to the other end, and then to the outside of the ring, and then on the arena floor!
“The Young Bucks are wrestling with a chip on their shoulder here tonight. This is a level of intensity and aggression unlike any I’ve ever seen from them,” noted Excalibur.
Luchasaurus tagged in and hit double lariats on the Bucks. Luchasaurus manhandled Nick and Matt with sky-high chokeslams! Matt fired up and clubbed Luchasaurus with fists, but Luchasaurus knocked out Matt on his feet with a huge headbutt! Luchasaurus then hit an incredible flatfooted moonsault off the apron onto the Bucks on the arena floor!
Nick Jackson entered the ring with a pull-over Destroyer on Luchasarus! Matt Jackson knocked away the crutch from Marko Stunt and then superkicked him! Matt held Jungle Boy while Nick connected with a senton, but Jungle Boy kicked out at two! They tried for the BTE Trigger but Jungle Boy moved out of the way. Jurassic Express nailed the Extinction Level Event on Matt Jackson but Nick saved him before the three-count! The Bucks rallied back with a superkick party on an isolated Jungle Boy, and then finished him off with the BTE Trigger!
“A resounding victory for the Young Bucks. They have been a different tag team, starting this week after what happened during DYNAMITE,” said Jim Ross.
The winner earns a future shot at the AEW World Title!
Taz joined the commentary team for this match.
Trent from Best Friends, Christopher Daniels from SCU, Jake Hagger of the Inner Circle, the Blade, and Rey Fenix of the Lucha Brothers were the first group out!
Blade and Rey Fenix worked over Trent. Hager dropped Christopher Daniels hard on his back! Hager employed stiff body shots on Daniels. Rey Fenix spring boarded off the ropes and caught Trent with a deep arm drag!
The next group out: Frankie Kazarian of SCU, Will Hobbs, Chuck Taylor of Best Friends, and Santana and Ortiz of the Inner Circle!
Hobbs eliminated Blade and Hager tossed out Christopher Daniels. Hobbs caught Rey Fenix on his shoulders and almost eliminated him too!
Billy, Penta El Zero M, “Absolute” Ricky Starks, “The Machine” Brian Cage, and Darby Allin were out to the ring next!
Darby eliminated Rey Fenix! And Cage took Billy out of the match!
“This is turning into a barroom brawl now,” said Jim Ross.
The final group out: Shawn Spears (who walked toward the broadcast table to avoid entering the ring), Eddie Kingston, the Butcher, “The Concrete Rose” Sonny Kiss, and “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer!
Sonny eliminated Hager! And then Sonny was tossed out by Brian Cage! Trent ducked and Santana went flying over him and was gone from the match. Archer then knocked out Trent and Ortiz!
Matt Sydal drew the Joker card and was the 21st entrant!
Darby eliminated Ricky Starks! Cage pulled a body bag into the ring, given to him by Ricky Starks. The bag had Darby Allin’s name stenciled on it. Cage poured out thumbtacks. Cage zipped Darby inside the bag and then hurled him with a powerbomb outside the ring onto the ramp!
Sydal stomped Spears and pushed him off the apron to the arena floor. Hobbs blasted Sydal with a spinebuster! Archer pounced at Hobbs with a running shoulder tackle! Cage and Archer exchanged heavy power strikes on one another! Hobbs pulled Cage out to the edge of the ring and Archer knocked them both to the floor! Butcher connected with a diving crossbody on Archer. Sydal eliminated Butcher with head scissors. Archer dropped Sydal with Black Out!
Eddie Kingston and Archer brawled on the apron of the ring. Jake Roberts distracted Eddie Kingston with his canvass bag containing the snake, and while this occurred, Lance Archer choke slammed Kingston to the floor. “The MurderHawk Monster” is the winner of the Casino Battle Royale!
“Not only did Archer win the match, he was dominant,” said Jim Ross.
(LAST MAN STANDING Rules, and if Matt Hardy loses, he must leave AEW!)
Matt Hardy vs. “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara!
Hardy was on the football field, and ordered Sammy to come out and face his deletion like a man. Sammy was in a golf cart and he tried to run down Hardy! Sammy and the cart crashed into a wall when Hardy moved out of the way! Hardy DDT’ed Sammy on top of a table!
Matt Hardy placed Sammy on a lift truck. He raised the lift but Sammy pushed Hardy off, sending him plummeting down through a table!
“I can’t believe Hardy can get up to his feet!” said Schiavone.
Hardy swung wildly at Sammy, but his feet were wobbly. Referee Aubrey Edwards called for medical attention for Hardy.
“Folks, we all want to see the end of that match. But Dr. Sampson made the right call,” said Jim Ross.
Somehow Matt found the will and strength to get back on his feet and take the fight back to Sammy! They brawled on the staging area.
“We thought this match was done and now this event just went sideways,” said Tony Schiavone.
“Well, Dr. Sampson cleared Hardy after examining him,” added Jim Ross.
Sammy climbed scaffolding to escape from Hardy, but Hardy, ever the daredevil, followed him up there! Hardy knocked “the Spanish God” down, sending Sammy soaring about fifteen feet, smashing through the stage below! Sammy was unable to answer the 10-count! Hardy is your winner!
AEW Women’s World Champ Hikaru Shida vs. NWA Women's Champion Thunder Rosa!
They pie faced one another with rapid strikes! Thunder Rosa got the single leg takedown on Shida and quickly mounted her for a submission. Shida rolled through to avoid tapping out. Shida used a step-up hurracanrana and got Thunder Rosa off her feet! Thunder Rosa knocked Shida off her balance with a jumping elbow strike.
“This is Shida’s territory here. Normally she is the aggressor,” said Excalibur, describing Thunder Rosa’s strategy.
The momentum changed when Shida caught Thunder Rosa with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and then a running knee strike!
“Shades of Mr. Wrestling 2 with that knee strike,” said Jim Ross.
The tides shifted again as Thunder Rosa caught Shida high on the head and chest after she spring boarded off a chair onto Shida! Thunder Rosa stampeded Shida into two different corners of the ring and then dropped her with a shoulder breaker for a near fall on Shida!
Shida applied a rear naked choke, but Thunder Rosa escaped. Thunder Rosa hoisted Shida with a hanging pendulum submission! Shida pulled a jumping knee strike out of her back pocket onto Thunder Rosa! Shida muscled Thunder Rosa up with a suplex for a two-count. Thunder Rosa countered a Falcon Arrow from Shida for a near fall!
“We are seeing quite a battle between these two women,” said Tony Schiavone.
A leaping dropkick from Thunder Rosa sent Shida out onto the stage. Thunder Rosa attempted a Death Valley Driver but Shida powered out. She propped Thunder Rosa onto the top turnbuckle, but Thunder Rosa got the better of her opponent with a Death Valley Driver on the apron! Thunder Rosa went back to the top turnbuckle but Shida ran up and knocked her down onto the stage. Shida used the meteora double knee strike onto Thunder Rosa! They began slugging it out inside the ring. Shida dropped Thunder Rosa with the Falcon Arrow in the center of the ring but Thunder Rosa kicked out at one! Shida applied the stretch muffler on Thunder Rosa but Thunder Rosa made it to the bottom rope to force the ref break! Thunder Rosa followed up with a back stabber for a near fall on Shida! But Shida gutted it out. Finally, after a lightning-like running knee strike, Shida was able to pin Thunder Rosa!
Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford were backstage with Alex Marvez with a huge announcement. They’re getting married! Ford showed off her engagement ring. Sabian said he needed a Best Man first, and he’s going to announce who he selected on DYNAMITE!
The Dark Order (TNT Champion “The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee, Stu Grayson, and Evil Uno) & Colt Cabana vs. The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall, accompanied by Brandi Rhodes and Allie—“The Nightmare Sisters”) and Matt Cardona and Scorpio Sky!
This began as a slug fest! When ref Rick Knox restored order, it was Sky working over Evil Uno. Cardona tagged in and hit a swinging neck breaker on Evil Uno. The Dark Order got the upper hand, stomping QT Marshall who was isolated in their corner.
“Isolate and destroy,” observed Jim Ross of the Dark Order’s tactics.
QT tried for a tag but Evil Uno chomped down on QT’s hand. Finally Cardona was tagged in and Cardona blasted “Boom Boom” Colt Cabana with a missile dropkick! Cardona used the Reboot on Cabana and almost had the match won, but Mr. Brodie propped Colt’s foot on the bottom rope, unbeknownst to the referee, to stop the count. Grayson was tagged in and knocked the air out of Cardona with a senton on the apron! Mr. Brodie Lee tagged in and placed his massive boot on the head of Cardona and applied a ton of pressure.
“Where’s Cody?!” yelled Mr. Brodie at Cardona, taunting him.
Evil Uno attempted to suplex Cardona, but Cardona turned it into a falling neck breaker. He tagged in Dustin Rhodes, who was waiting, ready, and revenge motivated! Dustin powerslammed Evil Uno and then gave one to Grayson! Dustin walloped Colt with a Canadian Destroyer! Anna Jay entered the ring to interfere, but Brandi Rhodes caught her at the pass with a high kick to neutralize her! Cardona was tagged in and attempted Radio Silence on Mr. Brodie, but “The Exalted One” countered with a powerbomb!
QT tagged in and delivered the QT Special to the Dark Order on the outside! He went for the Diamond Cutter but the Dark Order swarmed him! Colt hit a splash off the top rope but QT kicked out! Mr. Brodie and Dustin both tagged in and traded blows! Brodie Lee swung for the fences and wiped out Dustin with the discus lariat! He tagged in Cabana. “Boom Boom” went for a moonsault but Dustin moved out of the way, rolling up Cabana for the victory!
“The Dark Order had that match won but Colt went for an extra move. They didn’t need it and it cost the match for his team,” said Jim Ross.
Mr. Brodie Lee was furious. “The Exalted One” jumped back into the ring and shoved Colt down in frustration!
Backstage, Tony Schiavone was with Dustin Rhodes. Schiavone said he just got word from Tony Khan that at DYNAMITE this Wednesday, Dustin will have his shot at the TNT Title against Mr. Brodie Lee!
Champs “Hangman” Adam Page & Kenny Omega vs. #1 ranked tag team FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood (with Tully Blanchard)!
Cash and Kenny started, but Page requested to be tagged in right away. Page asked, “Do you trust me?” Kenny replied by tagging him in.
Page hammered away furiously at both members of FTR. He got so carried away he almost connected with Kenny!
Omega tagged in and the champs blasted away at Cash with stereo chops. Omega and Page isolated Cash in their corner of the ring with more chops and quick tags. Page used a standing shooting star press on Cash!
Dax was tagged in, unbeknownst to Page. Dax kicked Page in the face and then rammed him into Cash’s knees. Kenny finally tagged in and used Polish hammers on FTR! Kenny picked up Wheeler on his shoulders, planted him, and then connected with a moonsault for a near fall. Kenny glided through the air with a terminator tope onto FTR!
Omega blocked a lariat and connected with a knee strike on Wheeler. He tagged in Page, who dropped Wheeler with the assisted German release suplex! The champs attempted Last Call but Harwood was on the outside and blocked the move by grabbing an ankle. FTR diverted the ref’s attention and were able to capture Kenny’s leg on the top rope. Harwood superplexed Kenny for a very near fall! FTR tried for the Goodnight Express but Page saved Kenny before they could use it.
Kenny nailed Cash with the Tiger Driver 98 for a two-count! Bang! Kenny clocked Wheeler with the V Trigger. Wheeler escaped a One-Winged Angel and tagged in Harwood. Kenny was locked in a leg submission by Harwood, but Omega finally reached the ropes and the ref broke the hold.
“They’re laying it in now on Kenny. Old school tag team wrestling. Focusing on one part of Omega’s body and attacking it,” said Tony Schiavone.
Page checked on Kenny on the outside of the ring, asking him how his knee was holding up after all the punishment. The ref forced Page back to his corner. FTR returned to their coordinated attack on Kenny’s knee. Kenny hit a couple of snap dragon suplexes out of desperation. Harwood tried to cover Omega, and Omega pushed him out of the way, accidentally sending Harwood headfirst into Page!
Page tagged in, took to the skies, and took out FTR with a tremendous forward-facing moonsault! FTR came back in with double-diving headbutts on Page! Then FTR used a Steiner-like double team bulldog on Kenny from the apron to the arena floor!
“It’s all or nothing here,” said Jim Ross.
Wheeler was isolated for the Last Call. Wheeler moved out of the way of the V-trigger, and Omega inadvertently hit Page! Wheeler chop blocked Kenny’s legs. FTR hit the Mind Breaker assisted spiked piledriver on Page for the pin!
“That one miscue by Kenny, certainly accidental, but Page could not get back into the game after getting hit by Kenny’s knee,” noted Jim Ross.
Kenny grabbed a small table and returned to the ring with it. It appeared he was contemplating hitting Page with it out of frustration. Kenny hurled it to the ground instead after thinking twice. He abandoned “Hangman” Page in the ring. Kenny walked out of the arena with the Young Bucks.
“I’m done. Let’s go! It’s time for a clean break. Think about it,” Omega said to the Young Bucks.
Kenny got into an SUV and was chauffeured away without the Bucks.
In this match you can earn a victory over your opponent via pinfall, submission, or by throwing them into an 80-gallon vat of mimosa!
It’s “The Demo God” Chris Jericho vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!
Orange charged Jericho but Jericho was ready for him with a Code Breaker! He followed up with a backdrop suplex on Orange, and then rammed him into the turnbuckle! Jericho flipped off the crowd. Jericho catapulted Orange Cassidy and Cassidy almost went into the drink! Jericho hurled a table at Cassidy, and then shattered a cocktail tray over Cassidy’s head! Out of desperation, Orange ran off the platform and splashed Jericho on the arena floor!
Jericho smacked Cassidy with a steel chair. They exchanged right hands on the platform! Jericho powerbombed Orange onto the platform, and then dropped him with a second one through a table! Jericho pulled out his aluminum baseball bat but Orange met him with a thunderous thrust kick! He then brained Jericho with an ice bucket! Cassidy spiked Jericho with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall! Cassidy followed up with the Stun Dog Millionaire! He tried for a swinging DDT but Jericho countered with the Lion Tamer! Orange was able to fill up a glass with the mimosa from one of the vats and threw it into Jericho’s eyes! Cassidy knocked down Jericho with the superman Orange punch!
“Jericho might be fighting blind after that orange juice and alcohol went into his eyes,” said Excalibur.
Cassidy cleaned Jericho’s clock with the running PK!
“These guys are pulling out all the stops,” said Schiavone.
Orange jumped off the turnbuckles but Jericho caught him with the Code Breaker for a near fall! Jericho attempted to lawn dart Cassidy into the vat of mimosa but Orange hooked his legs. Cassidy sent Jericho flying into the 80-gallon vat after two consecutive orange punches!
“Chris Jericho set out to humiliate Orange Cassidy but oh, how the worm has turned,” noted Excalibur.
AEW World Champ Jon Moxley vs. #1 ranked MJF (accompanied by Wardlow)!
Jon Moxley’s Paradigm Shift is banned per the written contract!
MJF grappled Moxley to the mat. Mox scoop slammed MJF and then missed an elbow. MJF tried to sucker punch Mox but Mox was a step ahead and met him with a swift chop! Moxley went to the outside with a pescado but MJF moved out of the way and returned to the ring. Mox faked out MJF and then connected with a tope suicida! He crotched MJF on the steel guardrail. Mox rammed MJF’s head into the barricade.
Back in the ring, MJF went for Cross Rhodes but Mox reversed it. Before Mox could capitalize, MJF grabbed Mox with an arm bar. Mox and MJF were on the ring apron when Wardlow approached them and distracted Mox. MJF pulled Mox down by the wrist, Mox’s elbow and shoulder being slammed into the hard edge of the ring!
“This kid is a prodigy,” said Jim Ross of MJF.
Mox attempted some elbow strikes but MJF countered and took him down straight onto the arm again!
“As much as I hate to say it, MJF is wrestling as close to a perfect match as you can against the AEW World Champion Jon Moxley,” admitted Excalibur.
MJF knocked Mox to the outside and walked right into a trap. Getting MJF to the outside was part of Jon Moxley’s strategy. Mox catapulted MJF into the steel post! MJF was busted wide open, and Mox used the opportunity to try to put his own dislocated shoulder back into place!
Mox was looking for the Gotch-style piledriver but his arm gave out on him. Mox hit a sidewalk slam on MJF on the outside of the ring!
“That made a big splat,” said Jim Ross.
MJF tried for a backslide but Mox powered through it, countering with that Gotch-style piledriver finally! Mox bit into MJF’s bloody forehead. MJF stomped down onto Mox’s arm, going back to work on Mox’s injured left wing. Moxley avoided a rolling elbow strike from MJF and blasted the challenger with a stiff lariat!
MJF spat at Mox and Mox grabbed MJF, about to put him into the Paradigm Shift before remembering that the move was banned. MJF grapevined Mox’s arm with the Salt of the Earth submission! The champ was able to roll through for the rope break.
MJF attempted a second heat seeker but Mox countered with an Air Raid Crash for a very near fall! On their knees, they traded forearms, punches, slaps, and headbutts! MJF got a near fall on Mox after a mule kick while the ref was distracted. MJF planted Mox with the Cross Rhodes and Mox was barely able to kick out in time!
As the referee was distracted, Wardlow tossed MJF the DYNAMITE diamond ring from his pocket. It backfired on MJF, who bungled the catch. Mox impaled MJF with the Paradigm Shift while the ref was still distracted by Wardlow! Mox pinned MJF!
If you missed this historic night, order the replay now on pay-per-view, BRLive, and FITETV (international customers)!
And tune in to witness the fallout from ALL OUT on Wednesday, September 9th, on AEW DYNAMITE on TNT!