November 6, 2019, ALL ELITE WRESTLING (AEW) made its debut at the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC, with ALL ELITE WRESTLING DYNAMITE on the TNT Network!
This is the last stop before the action detonates at AEW FULL GEAR this Saturday, November 9th, from the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore and live on pay-per-view!
Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
“The Bastard” PAC took on Trent, (accompanied by Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy) in our opening contest of the night. The crowd began chanting “PAC you suck! PAC you suck!” when the bell rang. Trent hit a Northern Lights suplex on PAC for a two-count. PAC and Trent battled outside the ring. PAC ran Trent’s body into the metal barricade, and then Trent’s head onto the steel ramp. The crowd was securely behind Trent. PAC hit a waistlock into a German Suplex. Trent tried to string together some offense on PAC, to little success. The ref was distracted, and Orange Cassidy entered the ring to attempt to get an advantage for his friend Trent, dishing out a few “freshly squeezed” kicks to PAC. Unfortunately, Orange got crushed after a massive kick to the head from PAC. This was enough to get Trent angered and into the next gear. He speared PAC, and then delivered a lariat, then a swinging DDT for a two-count. PAC wrenched Trent’s head on the outside of the ring with a brainbuster. PAC went to the top rope and hit the Black Arrow on Trent for a two-count, but ultimately picked up the victory via submission with his “Brutalizer.” PAC grabbed a microphone and said this Saturday at FULL GEAR, “Hangman” Adam Page will have his work cut out for him.
“The American Nightmare” Cody’s music hit, and the crowd erupted as Cody made his entrance. Tony Schiavone was waiting inside the ring to interview Cody about his big announcement. Cody mentioned Eddie Graham, Cowboy Bill Watts, “the American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, and described them as “the titans in our business.” But Cody said he’s heard the criticism of late about him being part of the AEW management team and facing “Le Champion” Chris Jericho for the AEW World Championship this Saturday at FULL GEAR. Cody said if he didn’t win this Saturday, he’d never challenge for the world title again. Cody accused Jericho of being a “carnie succubus” and this Saturday is “about the 14 years it took me to go from undesirable to undeniable. This Saturday the Elite is going to eat the ‘Inner Circle’ alive!”
“The Dark Order” (Stu Grayson and Evil Uno), who were accompanied by their minions, faced the team of Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen). The winning team will compete on Saturday against The Lucha Bros and AEW Tag Champs SCU (Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian). Private Party quickly cleaned house on the Dark Order, but Stu Grayson snuck in through the back door. He planted Kassidy. The Dark Order began working over Kassidy on the ring apron. Marq Quen managed to get tagged in, but he was too fired up and walked right into harm’s way. The Dark Order looked to hit their “Fatality” finisher, but Marq Quen shifted momentum. He hit a crossbody on Stu Grayson. Both teams began to execute some superb tag-team combinations on one another. Private Party hit the “Silly String” on Evil Uno, and then their “Gin and Juice” finisher on Stu Grayson for the victory!
A video package aired focusing on AEW World Champ Chris Jericho. Showcased were members of Jericho’s “Inner Circle” such as Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, and Chris’ aunt’s friend from church. Jericho himself discussed the tough responsibilities of being AEW World Champion, which includes searching for “a little bit of the bubbly” after he defeats Cody this Saturday at FULL GEAR.
Jamie Hayter and Emi Sakura vs. “Portugal’s Perfect Athlete” Shanna and AEW Women’s World Champion RIHO was up next. It was student against teacher, as RIHO and Sakura traded pinfall attempts. RIHO hit a flying knee to take Sakura off her feet. Shanna was tagged in and landed lifting uppercuts on Sakura. Hayter was finally tagged in and began tossing around RIHO. Shanna used a step-up hurracarana, then went downtown and took out both Sakura and Hayter. Shanna hit a wicked DDT on Sakura. After a counter hold, Sakura was able to tag in Hayter, who began a brutal assault on Shanna. Hayter gave Shanna two running lariats. Sakura hit the Vaderbomb on Shanna, but RIHO broke up the pin. Moments later, the crowd sat in stunned silence as Sakura secured a pin on AEW Women’s Champ RIHO.
Brandon Cutler faced “the Chairman” Shawn Spears (accompanied by Tully Blanchard). Spears was wearing a t-shirt with the words “NO MORE GARBAGE WRESTLING.” Spears reversed a wristlock from Cutler. A high kick from Cutler rocked Spears. “The Chairman” started to dismantle Cutler on the outside of the ring. Spears finished off Cutler in emphatic fashion with a Death Valley Driver. Tully Blanchard slid a chair into the ring for Spears to add an exclamation point to the end of the match, but the “Badboy” Joey Janela ran down to make the save and stop the assault!
Tonight’s main event was “Hangman” Adam Page and Kenny Omega vs. “the Spanish God” Sammy Guevara and AEW World Champion Chris Jericho (accompanied by Jake Hager). Omega wanted to tie up with Jericho, but the champ tagged out to Sammy to avoid Omega. Omega chopped Sammy, then followed up with a beautiful jumping back elbow. Page tagged in and hit a shooting star press on Sammy, and the crowd chanted “Cowboy S—T!” Page was dishing out the punishment to Sammy. Finally Jericho was tagged in and began ground and pound offense on Page. “The Cleaner” was tagged in and hit a moonsault on Sammy G. This was followed up with a hurracarana from Omega to Jericho. As Omega was powering up, Hager hit him in the back with a steel chair while the referee was distracted. “Hangman” Page evened up the odds with a wind-up lariat on Jericho. “Le Champion” was looking to lock on the lion tamer, but Page escaped. PAC ran out and nailed an unsuspecting Page, which allowed Jericho to hit the Judas Effect on Page for the victory.
Members of the “Inner Circle” were taking the boots to Page, but Cody ran down to the ring, hitting the Crossroads on Jericho after an assist from his best friend MJF. Jon Moxley came out with a barbed wire bat in hand, headed straight for Kenny Omega. There was a stalemate in the ring, as Omega pulled out a barbed wire broom! Santana and Ortiz tried to get street violent with Omega and Moxley, but during the course of the brawl, the Young Bucks came to the aid of their friends. Everyone fought toward the entrance ramp. Nick Jackson of the Bucks climbed to the top of the giant video screen, at least 12-15 feet high, and launched himself onto the “Inner Circle,” sending bodies everywhere. The broadcast ended with the wild brawl spreading throughout the arena. It was pure pandemonium!
Be sure to tune in next Wednesday, November 13th, for another explosive edition of AEW DYNAMITE on TNT, when we’ll be live from the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in beautiful Nashville, TN!