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AEW Dynamite Results for September 1, 2021


Tonight’s AEW DYNAMITE was held live from the Now Arena in Chicago, IL!

Thanks for joining us for coverage of the 100th episode of AEW DYNAMITE on TNT!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler (with Tully Blanchard) vs. Santana & Ortiz!

“This has been a hell of a rivalry, and what a way to kick off our 100th edition of DYNAMITE on TNT,” said Tony Schiavone.

Santana and Ortiz were wearing their “Dead Presidents” face paint. FTR paid homage to “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton on their gear tonight.

Santana and Dax chain wrestled. They traded hard, knife-edged chops. Both men tried for a hip toss and then got tied up in the ropes. Santana and Ortiz sent FTR over the top rope to the outside with clotheslines. They followed up with stereo tope suicidas to FTR! Santana hit a springboard senton off Ortiz’s back onto FTR on the arena floor!

Cash rammed Ortiz into the corner twice, with Ortiz colliding with the steel ring post! Cash hit a dropkick square on Ortiz’s jaw. Dax tagged in and stomped on the arm of Ortiz.

“That’s a page out of Ole and Gene’s playbook,” said Jim Ross.

Cash Wheeler ripped the top turnbuckle pad off the neutral corner. Ref Paul Turner was distracted and Dax wrenched Ortiz’s arm around the exposed turnbuckle corner. Ortiz fought back and hauled off with a clothesline on Cash! Santana made the tag and took on both members of FTR. Santana hit the three amigos on Dax!

“Viva la Raza, Tony,” said Jim Ross.

Santana used the frog splash on Dax for a near fall! FTR took over after Dax smashed Ortiz with a brain buster!

“This is awesome!” chanted the fans.

Wheeler flattened Ortiz for a near fall, and Tully stood outside, a bit incredulous that FTR hadn’t put Santana and Ortiz away yet. FTR ran over Ortiz with the Big Rig but Santana got their just in the nick of time to break up the pin!

Santana rolled through with a cutter on Cash. Ortiz followed up with the lung blower. Wheeler was flattened again and Santana pinned him for the victory!

“Tremendous victory for Santana and Ortiz,” said Excalibur.

Daniel Garcia was backstage with 2pointO. Garcia said he was going to twist up Darby Allin on RAMPAGE this Friday. He threatened to take away Allin’s match against Punk at ALL OUT this Sunday by injuring him during their RAMPAGE match.

CM Punk came out to the ring!

“I know, on Sunday, in this very same building, this could all end for me. I haven’t wrestled in seven years. I’m nervous. Dare I use the word ‘scared.’ I want to make a promise to you guys right now. Every time I lace up those boots and come down that aisle—”

Daniel Garcia and 2point0 ambushed CM Punk!

“It’s a cowardly attack,” said Jim Ross.

Darby Allin and Sting ran down to the ring and even upped the odds. Darby, Sting, and Punk dispatched of Daniel Garcia and 2point0. CM Punk and Darby Allin faced off.

Sting grabbed a microphone: “I always wanted to share a ring with you. Mucho respect. It felt good to clear traffic because we don’t want anything to stop this match at ALL OUT this Sunday. And that includes The Stinger.

“This Sunday, I’m gonna fist pump my partner here and then walk back to the dressing room. When you collide, it’s gonna be showtime for sure,” concluded Sting.

“What would it mean to Darby Allin to beat CM Punk this Sunday? Nationally? Internationally?” asked Jim Ross.

MJF had a sit-down interview with Tony Schiavone earlier in the afternoon!

“Chris Jericho, four decades of consistently evolving to stay on top of the mountain of professional wrestling. You will be forever etched in the Mt. Rushmore of professional wrestling. But by the time my career is over, I’ll be taking your place.

“Look in the mirror, Jericho. After all I’ve put you through, you’re on a downward spiral, man. But you need the spotlight. You crave it. And I’ve taken that away from you three times. And when a man like you loses that spotlight, you’ll do just about anything to get it back. That’s why you put your career on the line, Chris. And at ALL OUT, your music dies!”

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (with Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta, and Kris Statlander) vs. TH2’s Jack Evans (with HFO’s “Big Money” Matt Hardy)!

Hardy went after Cassidy before the bell rang. The ref ejected Hardy from ringside.

Jack Evans hit an incredible string of offense on Orange Cassidy. “Freshly Squeezed” came back and spiked Evans with his swinging DDT! Orange went flying into Jack with a tope suicida, and then a crossbody for a near fall!

Orange Cassidy climbed to the top rope but Jack Evans met him up there. They jockeyed for positions, trading strikes and elbows. Evans finally took Orange down with a back suplex! Orange Cassidy rolled up Jack Evans for the victory during the commercial break (thankfully, it was seen in the picture in picture feature)!

Matt Hardy ran to the ring and attempted to apply The Leech submission onto Orange Cassidy. Wheeler Yuta and Chuck Taylor sprinted down to help their friend. The HFO jumped into the fray for Hardy. And then Jurassic Express jumped into the mix and ran off Hardy and the HFO!

“Demo God” Chris Jericho had an in-ring interview with Jim Ross!

“Welcome to Chicago is Jericho! I usually don’t say that anymore but I thought it was a good time to harken back to my past since 22 years ago I started my main event journey in Chicago. And the man who recruited me for that main event journey was Jim Ross,” said Jericho.

“It’s been an honor. Why did you put this stipulation on you, Chris? If you lose, you won’t wrestle in an AEW ring again,” said Jim Ross.

“MJF, you’re a piece of shit. But you’re diabolical and calculated. So am I. You’re confident and you’re arrogant. So am I. As a matter of fact, the only thing you have over me, Max, is three victories. Those are burned in my brain and that’s why I have to take the chance against you, Max. I’ve never been complacent. I’ve always taken risks. And that’s why I’m standing in the ring on episode 100 of AEW DYNAMITE. And AEW is the hottest company in pro wrestling.

“I don’t want this to be the end. I want more. I don’t want it to stop. That’s why I have to take the chance. If something horrible goes wrong on Sunday, and if my journey ends right where it began in Chicago, I will thank all of you here and all of you watching for helping me make my dreams come true. I will thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, and I will thank you for being part of mine.

“But for that to happen, MJF, you’re going to have to be the best you’ve ever been. But that’s not going to happen because I’m Chris Jericho and you don’t have the balls to get rid of me. I’ll see you on Sunday at ALL OUT you little prick!” said Jericho.

“Jericho putting his career on the line against MJF in the ‘Final Fight” at ALL OUT this Sunday,” said Excalibur.

“The Machine” Brian Cage vs. Powerhouse Hobbs (with Hook)!

Brian Cage struck Hobbs from behind when Hobbs was making his entrance.

Taz joined the commentary team for this match.

Cage rammed Hobbs into the steel barricade. They brawled on the outside. Hobbs pancaked “The Machine” Brian Cage with a shoulder block.

Cage hoisted up Hobbs and then dropped him with the flatliner! Cage connected with thrust kicks and then an exploder suplex! Cage was looking for Drill Claw but Hobbs escaped. Hobbs smashed Cage with a spinebuster!

Cage surprised Hobbs with a knee strike underneath the jaw! “The Machine” Brian Cage suplexed Hobbs back into the ring! Hook jumped onto the ring apron to distract the referee. Hobbs shoved Cage into Ricky Starks, who nailed Cage in the head with the FTW Championship. Hobbs used his finisher and pinned Brian Cage!

QT Marshall was in the ring with The Factory!

QT called out Paul Wight!

“Paul Wight is not backing down from QT Marshall and his goons,” said Excalibur.

Paul Wight cleaned house on The Factory! The Gunn Club saw enough and joined their friend Paul Wight in the ring. Suddenly, Billy smacked Paul Wight in the hip and then in the head with a steel chair. The Gunn Club left the ring. QT and The Factory returned. They held up Paul Wight so QT Marshall could hit the diamond cutter on Wight!

Britt Baker, D.M.D. was backstage with Tony Schiavone. Baker said because she signed a contract extension, Tony Khan has allowed her to make a match of her own choosing. This Friday on RAMPAGE, it’ll be Kris Statlander against both Reba and Jamie Hayter!

Penelope Ford (with The Bunny) vs. Tay Conti!

Tay tossed Ford over with Judo throws! Tay smashed her knee into Penelope’s face! Tay was about to leap off the top rope, but Penelope ran into the ropes, forcing Tay to lose her balance and crash onto the mat. Penelope dropped a double foot stomp onto Tay Conti!

Tay connected with a diving crossbody on Ford! Tay got a near fall on Ford!

“Penelope Ford showing her toughness,” said Excalibur.

Ford applied the Muta Lock onto Tay but Tay countered with her own ankle lock. Ford reached the bottom rope, forcing the ref to break the hold. Tay used a trifecta of thrust kicks against Ford. The Bunny grabbed Tay’s ankle. Ford accidentally collided with The Bunny headfirst when Tay moved out of the way. Tay rolled up Ford for the victory!

The Bunny and Penelope Ford double teamed Tay after the match but then Anna Jay returned to AEW! Anna Jay ran off Ford and The Bunny and then hugged Tay Conti!

Main Event Time!

The Elite—AEW World Tag Champions The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson, accompanied by Don Callis & Brandon Cutler) and IMPACT Tag Champions The Good Brothers (“Machine Gun” Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) vs. Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo, accompanied by Alex Abrahantes) and Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus, accompanied by Marko Stunt)!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

Luchasaurus and Gallows slugged it out. Gallows got the better of Luchasaurus, sending him into the turnbuckles and then splashing him. Gallows tried for a suplex but Luchasaurus countered with a vertical suplex of his own!

Nick Jackson and Rey Fenix tagged in. Then Penta El Zero Miedo and Matt Jackson jumped in and both teams traded superkicks! Penta El Zero Miedo used a sling blade on Matt Jackson and tagged in Jungle Boy!

Jungle Boy and Karl Anderson brawled on the outside. He was fighting against the numbers of The Elite and finally got the hot tag to Rey Fenix! Fenix blasted Nick Jackson with thrust kicks! The fans erupted in cheers for Fenix’s display of athleticism! The Young Bucks and the Lucha Brothers wiped out each other with superkicks!

Luchasaurus choke slammed Karl Anderson and followed up with a standing moonsault press for a near fall! Rey Fenix was on the top turnbuckle when Brandon Cutler sprayed his eyes with the cold spray! The Young Bucks entered the ring and tried for the BTE Trigger but Rey Fenix countered with a double cutter! Rey Fenix got caught by The Bucks, who pinned him after the Meltzer Driver!

AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and Michael Nakazawa walked down to the ring to celebrate with the rest of The Elite!

The Good Brothers smashed Luchasaurus through a table on the outside with the Magic Killer! Christian Cage ran to the ring! Brandon Cutler passed out kendo sticks to the members of The Elite.

“You just fell into a trap. Mr. Callis, let her rip and bring down the cage,” said Kenny Omega.

The steel cage began to descend from the top of the Now Arena!

“Christian Cage and the Lucha Brothers are locked inside the cage with The Elite,” said Excalibur.

“This is beyond horrible,” added Tony Schiavone.

Alex Abrahantes called for reinforcements. Jungle Boy, Dante Martin, Frankie Kazarian, Marko Stunt, and Orange Cassidy tried to climb the cage, but Brandon kept spraying them in the eyes.

“Let’s get Christian,” said Kenny Omega.

The Bucks and Kenny smashed Christian Cage with the BTE Trigger! The Elite dismantled everyone in the ring!

“I’ll see you at the pay-per-view,” laughed Kenny Omega.

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to AEW DYNAMITE live on TNT (8pm ET/7pm CT) from the Fifth Third Arena in Cincinnati, OH. You don’t want to miss the fallout from ALL OUT!

Don’t dare miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday at 10/9c on TNT!

And this Sunday, it’s AEW ALL OUT 2021—September 5th, from the Now Arena in Chicago—live on pay-per-view!


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