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AEW Rampage: Grand Slam Results for September 24, 2021


This was night two of AEW’s epic Grand Slam week! Tonight’s historic AEW RAMPAGE: Grand Slam was broadcast from Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY!

Our commentary team was “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz, “Absolute” Ricky Starks, and Excalibur!

It’s Friday and you know what that means!

CM Punk vs. Powerhouse Hobbs (with Hook)!

This is Punk’s first match on TV in over seven years!

Punk charged Hobbs and connected with a dropkick! He began kicking at Hobbs’ quads. Hobbs raked Punk’s eyes. Punk followed up, though, with a drop toehold on Hobbs.

Punk popped the bird to Hook!

Hook jumped up on the apron to distract Punk, and in the heat of the moment, Punk went after Hook. Hobbs sprung at Punk with a crossbody press. Punk tried to fight his way back to his feet and Hobbs hurled Punk sternum-first into the corner turnbuckles.

“Hobbs is obviously agitated by the CM Punk-support from this crowd,” said Excalibur.

Hobbs tried to suplex Punk but Punk countered with a roll up for a near fall. Hobbs came back with a massive tackle on Punk. Hobbs draped Punk’s throat over the middle rope and then charged at Punk with a running leg drop to the back of Punk’s body! Hobbs distracted ref Aubrey Edwards so Hook could sneak in some cheap shots to Punk.

“Powerhouse Hobbs is battering CM Punk,” said Excalibur.

“It’s been an absolute beating,” added Taz.

Punk retaliated with stereo back elbows to Hobbs. Punk connected with a leg lariat and then a swinging neck breaker to Hobbs! Punk used the running knee on Hobbs!

“Seems like Punk has hit his second wind,” said Taz.

Punk headed to the top and crashed down on Hobbs with a beautiful “Macho” elbow drop!

The fans chanted “You still got it!”

Punk lifted Hobbs up for the GTS but Hobbs blocked it! Hobbs regained the advantage after planting Punk with a spinebuster! Punk got Hobbs’ back and applied a rear naked choke. Hobbs used his raw power and suplexed his way out of Punk’s chokehold!

Hobbs nailed Punk with the Oklahoma Stampede Slam for a near fall on Punk! Hobbs climbed to the top turnbuckle but he took too long—and Punk met him up there! Punk spiked Hobbs with a hurracanrana on his head!

“They are going to war!” said Excalibur.

Punk locked in a triangle choke submission. Hobbs used a single arm grip, hoisted Punk up and slammed him back to the mat! It was good for a two-count on Punk!

“Powerhouse Hobbs learning just how tough CM Punk is,” said Excalibur.

Hook jumped to the apron and Hobbs inadvertently collided with him after Punk dodged him! Punk hoisted up Hobbs and put him down with the GTS and pinned Powerhouse Hobbs!

“Punk got lucky. We had a little mishap,” said Taz.

Backstage, Thunder Rosa said she wasn’t afraid of Jade Cargill or Nyla Rose. Jade said it was personal now. Nyla Rose said she’d put them both down like dogs!

The SuperKliq—Adam Cole & The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with Don Callis, Brandon Cutler, and Doc Gallows) vs. Christian Cage & Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (with Marko Stunt)!

Adam Cole #BayBay tagged out to Matt Jackson right away, apparently intimidated by Christian Cage! After a massive hook by Christian to Matt Jackson, Matt understood why Cole tagged out. Matt sent Christian to the turnbuckles and tried for a splash but Christian moved out of the way. He blasted Matt with fists to the forehead! He followed up with a diving uppercut to Matt for a near fall!

Jungle Boy tagged in and…Adam Cole immediately bailed out again. The Young Bucks began their tandem offense on Jungle Boy but Jungle Boy brought them down with a double arm drag!

Luchasaurus single handedly fought off the SuperKliq outside the ring! But the SuperKliq used power in numbers to get the better of Jungle Boy in the ring!

Finally Jungle Boy fought out of the corner and got the hot tag to Luchasaurus. The big masked dino hit double clotheslines on The Young Bucks and the crowd erupted like a volcano! Luchasaurus choke slammed Cole onto Matt Jackson! Next he choke slammed Nick Jackson off the ropes!

Christian Cage was looking for the Kill Switch but Matt Jackson had it scouted! Jungle Boy hit a combo on the Bucks and Christian Cage flew off the top rope onto Matt Jackson! Jungle Boy applied the Snare Trap but Doc Gallows jumped on the apron and distracted Jungle Boy. He turned back to Matt Jackson, leveled him with a lariat, and then tagged in Luchasaurus. All hell broke loose at all the wrestlers began to brawl in the ring as the ref tried to best to restore order!

Matt Jackson hit a low blow on Christian Cage and then hurled him off the ramp! Then they tossed Jungle Boy off the ramp! In the ring, Luchasaurus tried to chokeslam Adam Cole but Cole fired back with the Panama City Sunrise! The Bucks blasted Luchasaurus with the BTE Trigger and then Cole finished him off with the Boom knee for the pin!

“They haven’t lost a step,” said Ricky Starks.

“A big win for the SuperKliq but it took all the resources of The Elite,” added Excalibur.

Men Of The Year—Scorpio Sky & “All Ego” Ethan Page (with American Top Team’s Dan Lambert) vs. “Demo God” Chris Jericho & Jake Hager!

Jericho and Scorpio locked up and Scorpio took him down with a quick arm drag. Jericho came back with multiple short clotheslines to Scorpio!

“Jericho will kick your ass in that ring. I’ve wrestled him and have nothing but respect but I do think Men Of The Year will take this,” said Taz.

Hager used a side belly-to-belly suplex on Ethan Page. Jericho tagged back in and ate a Tae Kwon Do kick from Ethan Page. Dan Lambert was standing near Jericho on the outside of the ring and slapped the “Demo God” in the face!

The Men Of The Year double-teamed Hager, keeping him away from the tag to Jericho. Scorpio Sky and Chris Jericho each tagged in. Jericho came off the top rope with an overhand chop to Sky! Jericho followed up with a lionsault for a near fall!

“That lionsault was picture perfect!” said Taz.

Hager tagged in and splashed Scorpio with a Hager Bomb for a near fall. Hager punished Sky with the ankle lock! Jericho entered the ring and applied the Walls on Page! Lambert jumped on the apron to distract them! Jericho went over the top rope onto Page on the outside! Hager slammed Sky but then Lambert grabbed Hager’s leg! Sky rolled up Hager for the pin!

“Lambert is a genius!” said Taz.

Jericho and Lambert brought Lambert into the ring! American Top Team (Junior Dos Santos, Austin Vanderford, Andrei Arlovski, Dalton Rosta, Jorge Masvidal, and Paige VanZant) surrounded the ring!

“Where are these guys coming from? Hager and Jericho better get out of that ring,” said Taz.

Paige VanZant hit Jericho with repeated body shots! Jorge Masvidal nailed Jericho with an explosive running knee!

AEW World Tag Team Champions The Lucha Bros—Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo—& Santana & Ortiz vs. The Butcher & The Blade, & Private Party—Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy (with “Big Money” Matt Hardy & The Bunny)!

Santana and Rey Fenix hit stereo thrust kicks on The Blade! Private Party double teamed Ortiz on the outside of the ring and DDTed him!

The Butcher and The Blade powerbombed Rey Fenix!

“Butch is a bad, bad man,” said Ricky Starks.

Outside the ring, Matt Hardy was about to cut the hair of Ortiz but Orange Cassidy ran out for the save! Orange pulped Jack Evans with the Orange Punch! “Big Money” Matt was foiled again by “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!

Santana and Ortiz decimated The Blade with a lung blower! Santana got caught by a huge stunner from Kassidy! Penta El Zero Miedo hit a back breaker on Kassidy! The Butcher tagged in and hurled himself at Penta El Zero Miedo with a massive cross body! Rey Fenix tagged in and ate a pump kick from The Blade!

Marq Quen tried for a shooting star press but Santana rolled out of the way! Marq Quen landed on his feet but then Santana and Ortiz finished him off with the Street Sweeper!

“That was frickin’ awesome!” said Taz.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviewed Matt Hardy and Jack Evans.

“Orange Cassidy is really pissing me off. I challenge you to a hair versus hair match, Orange, and if you accept, it’ll be Jack Evans’ hair on the line!” said “Big Money” Matt Hardy!

Sammy Guevara and Fuego Del Sol were on the ramp but Miro ambushed them from behind!

Miro clotheslined Sammy! Fuego jumped on “The Redeemer’s” back but Miro hurled Fuego off the stage! Miro locked the Game Over on Sammy!

“He is going to break Guevara in half!” said Excalibur.

Dark Order’s Anna Jay vs. “The SuperBad Girl” Penelope Ford!

Anna Jay used a running back elbow and then was looking for the Queen Slayer on Penelope! The Bunny came out and distracted Anna!

Penelope draped Anna’s throat over the middle rope and began to apply pressure with her leg! Anna Jay and Penelope Ford traded shots in the center of the ring. Penelope backed Anna into the corner, avoiding the Queen Slayer!

The Bunny jumped on the apron and tossed brass knuckles to Penelope while ref Paul Turner was distracted. Penelope landed a knock out shot on Anna and pinned her!

Anna Jay and Penelope Ford took the boots to Anna Jay but Tay Conti ran out to help her friend! She jumped on Penelope but the numbers were too much and Penelope popped Tay with the brass knuckles!

The HFO formed a human wall on the ring apron! Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander walked onto the ramp! Orange Cassidy called in the reinforcements and the Dark Order walked out!

“The odds have been evened up! Anna Jay has inadvertently brought the Dark Order back together” said Excalibur.

Stu Grayson and Evil Uno were not ready to bury the hatchet with the other members of the Dark Order and they walked away from the ring, leaving behind the other Dark Order members—Colt Cabana, John Silver, Alex Reynolds, Alan “5” Angels and Pres10 Vance!

Main Event!

Lights Out Match!

“Mad King” Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley vs. Minoru Suzuki & “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer!

Archer walked out with kendo sticks in his hands!

Suzuki got the jump on Moxley, not wasting any time! They were brawling around the ring. Kingston traded chops with Suzuki in the ring.

“Kingston will chop the tar off your chest,” said Taz.

Suzuki kicked Kingston, sending him right through a table that was set up in the corner!

“You knew this was going to be smashmouth,” said Taz.

Archer began body slamming ring attendants! Archer grabbed Moxley and choke slammed him to the outside onto the ring attendants!

“The ring crew got leveled,” said Excalibur.

Moxley hit Suzuki with boxer elbows. Archer grabbed a strap and wrapped it around Mox’s throat, and then Archer flipped Mox over the top rope! Archer and Suzuki taped Mox’s hands behind his back and began to whip him with the leather strap!

Suzuki began to lash Moxley across the back!

“It is all legal in this match. It’s a lights out match,” Excalibur reminded us.

Archer battered Mox with a trash can lid!

“This is a nasty violent attack. Great game plan,” added Taz.

Suzuki was biting Mox’s head. Kingston got back to his feet and poked Archer in the eyes, blasting him with machine gun chops in the corner. He followed up with an exploder suplex. Suzuki locked on a sleeper and then sent Kingston into Archer who planted Kingston on the mat!

Archer was about to slam Kingston onto two chairs when Homicide’s music hit!

Homicide ran through the crowd and freed Moxley from the tape. Moxley used the Paradigm Shift on Suzuki! Moxley spiked Archer with a Paradigm Shift! Homicide passed a trashcan to Kingston!

Kingston placed Archer inside the trash can! Kingston swung the kendo stick at the trash can repeatedly and then pinned Archer!

Homicide, Moxley, and Kingston hugged and celebrated the victory in the ring!

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to AEW DYNAMITE live on TNT (8pm ET/7pm CT) from Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, NY!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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