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AEW Revolution Results for March 7, 2021

March 7, 2021, All Elite Wrestling (AEW) presented the second annual REVOLUTION event, live on pay-per-view!

Warning: This recap contains spoilers!

The Buy-In portion of tonight’s event featured:

Thunder Rosa & Riho vs. Dr. Britt Baker & ?

Rebel was replaced after receiving a doctor’s note…from Dr. Britt Baker. Taking her place on Dr. Britt Baker’ team was…Maki Itoh!

Riho took Baker to the mat with a wrist lock. Britt Baker got the rope break and dropped Riho with a kick to the abdomen section. Thunder Rosa and Maki Itoh tagged in for their respective teams. Thunder Rosa tried for a Fujiwara arm breaker on Maki Itoh and flipped off Baker with the middle finger salute. Thunder Rosa and Maki Itoh traded right elbow strikes with Thunder Rosa getting the better of the exchange. Itho hit a bulldog out of the corner on Thunder Rosa!

Riho tagged in and after tandem offense, got a near fall on Itoh. Riho and Itoh fired away on one another with stiff shots. Baker grabbed Riho’s leg and pulled her outside for some cheap shots. Itho missed a headbutt and tagged Baker, who grounded Riho with knees to the head! Thunder Rosa dropped her own double knees and then a dropkick in the corner onto Britt Baker. She snapped her back with a butterfly suplex and then a senton for a two-count on Baker. Itoh was tagged in but Thunder Rosa caught her with a stunner. Itoh rallied back with a swinging DDT on Thunder Rosa. Wisely, Riho tagged in, but her momentum was cut short after a headbutt from Itoh. Then Baker and Thunder Rosa tagged in for their teams. Baker spiked Thunder Rosa with a DDT; Thunder Rosa countered with a crucifix for a near fall.

Rebel dropped her crutches and jumped onto the apron to distract Thunder Rosa. Baker inadvertently collided with Rebel, but Rebel still managed to crack Thunder Rosa with her crutch. Britt Baker used the opportunity to steal the victory and then pinned Thunder Rosa!

Jim Ross’s entrance music played, and it was time to kick off the main portion of REVOLUTION. The broadcast team tonight was J.R., Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone.

Opening the pay-per-view: The AEW World Tag Team Title Match!

AEW World Tag Champs The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson vs. The Inner Circle—“Demo God” Chris Jericho & MJF (with Wardlow)!

“Chris Jericho has thirty years of experience in the ring,” remarked Tony Schiavone.

“The Bucks are pacing like caged lions,” said Excalibur.

Nick and Matt Jackson hit double leg takedowns on Jericho and MJF as the bell rang, and followed up with ground and pound. On the outside, Jericho and MJF turned the tables by ramming The Bucks into one another. The Bucks were fired up though and came back with tope suicidas! They rolled through with stereo sharpshooters on Jericho and MJF in the ring! Matt speared Jericho! Nick flew off the top rope with a tremendous senton but MJF broke up the pin. MJF held Nick’s leg from the outside and Jericho nailed Nick with a springboard dropkick. On the outside of the ring, Wardlow stomped on Nick Jackson.

MJF and Jericho mocked The Bucks by doing the champs’ signature pose. Matt tagged in and lit up MJF with chops and then hit a DDT. Wardlow pulled down the ropes and Matt crashed down to the arena floor. MJF and Jericho double-teamed Matt Jackson in their corner of the ring. They held up Matt Jackson with a delayed vertical suplex and flipped off the crowd in the process.

“Expert teamwork by Jericho and MJF,” said Jim Ross.

Matt DDT’ed MJF and finally got the tag to his brother. Nick took down both Jericho and MJF, almost scoring a pin on MJF after a devastating destroyer! The Bucks did a shout-out to the Motor City Machine Guns with tandem offense on MJF for a near fall. Matt Jackson mounted Jericho and hammered down on Le Champion. Jericho went for the Judas Effect but Matt countered with a superkick. Jericho countered a tombstone from Matt Jackson, and then after a miscalculation from a fired up Nick Jackson, Jericho applied the lion tamer submission. Matt got back to his feet and tagged back in. MJF rolled up Matt for a two-count. Wardlow diverted ref Aubrey Edwards’ attention and Jericho hit Matt with the baseball ball. MJF followed up with the heat seeker but Matt kicked out just in time!

Nick tagged in and The Bucks hit stereo cross body presses on Jericho and MJF. Wardlow jumped up to the apron and Jericho inadvertently walloped Wardlow with the Judas Effect. The Bucks nailed Jericho with the BTE Trigger and then they invited MJF to a superkick party! The Bucks connected with the Meltzer Driver on Jericho and Matt pinned the Demo God!

“Jericho and MJF came to fight and they hung with the champs until the bitter end. But it was the tag team expertise of The Young Bucks that allowed them to retain the belts,” said Excalibur.

Casino Tag Team Royale!

The winning team earns a shot at the AEW World Tag Team Championship!

The order of entry here was selected by lottery.

The rules: Two tag teams will begin the match and every 90 seconds a new tag team will enter. Individual eliminations occur when a competitor is thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the floor. Tag teams are eliminated when both competitors have been ruled out of the match. The match will continue until there is only one competitor/team remaining.

The competitors:

-Bear Country—Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson

-Dark Order’s Alex Reynolds & John Silver

-Dark Order’s Evil Uno & Stu Grayson

-Inner Circle’s Santana & Ortiz

-The Butcher & The Blade

-Private Party—Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen

-Gunn Club—Austin & Colten Gunn

-Natural Nightmares—Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall

-Dark Order’s 10 & 5

-Death Triangle—PAC & Rey Fenix

-Matt & Mike Sydal

-Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus

-The Varsity Blondes—Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman, Jr.

-“Pretty” Peter Avalon & Cezar Bononi

-SCU—“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian

The Natural Nightmares and Dark Order’s 5 & 10 were the first two teams. Dustin powerslammed 10, but 10 pump kicked him when Dustin stepped back for the uppercut. The Dark Order turned their backs on Dustin and he surprised them with double bulldogs. Santana and Ortiz were in next, sprinting to the ring, not wasting anytime. QT hit a diamond cutter on 5 and sent him over the top rope! Matt and Mike Sydal were the fourth team to enter. They chopped 10 with swift kicks, taking him down like a tree. Grayson and Evil Uno came out next, and the numbers favored the Dark Order! Mike Sydal was sent to the arena floor by Santana and Ortiz. Uno sat down with a powerbomb on Ortiz! Santana lit up Dark Order with super kicks! The Gunn Club were the next team to enter the match, and they cleared some space with lariats! The Sydals were eliminated first.

“Pretty” Peter Avalon and Cezar Bononi were next out to the ring and they fired shots at the Gunn Club. The Varsity Blondes entered the match and Garrison hit a splash! Austin Gunn whipped “Pretty” Peter over the top. QT eliminated the Gunn Club and Dustin pushed him, admonishing him for taking out members of the Nightmare Family. QT pushed back and then eliminated himself from the match!

Bear Country entered the match and showed off the brute strength! Jurassic Express ran into the match next. Luchasaurus double choke slammed Garrison and Pillman, Jr.! Jungle Boy clotheslined Ortiz over the top rope! Luchasaurus stepped up to Cezar and tail whipped him out of the match! Jungle Boy baited Santana toward him, held the top rope, and sent Santana out of the match! The Butcher and The Blade came out and eliminated Griff Garrison! Jack Evans was hiding under the ring and pulled 10 out of the match. Boulder nearly eliminated Dustin but “The Natural” held onto the top rope. The Bunny grabbed Dustin from the outside and he was outmanned from the inside, and then pushed out by Butcher and Blade. Private Party entered and showed off their new attitude.

SCU were the next entrants! Luchasaurus tried for a double chokeslam on SCU, but Bear Country rushed him from behind, knocking Luchasaurus to the arena floor. Then the Butcher knocked Bear Country with his force and eliminated them. PAC and Rey Fenix were in next and eliminated Marq Quen and Blade! John Silver and Alex Reynolds came out and spiked Kassidy with the Dark Destroyer! SCU eliminated The Butcher! Rey Fenix walked the ropes and eliminated Daniels! Reynolds and Jungle Boy traded kicks on the ring apron until Jungle Boy tossed Reynolds to the floor! PAC backdropped Frankie Kazarian over the top, with Kaz crashing down hard on his shoulder!

“This match has been absolutely wild,” said Excalibur.

PAC and John Silver faced off and fired away with forearms. Silver backed up PAC with hard kicks but PAC shut him down with a German suplex! Rey Fenix walked the top rope and kicked John Silver in the temple, knocking him down and out of the match!

Rey Fenix and PAC were left with Jungle Boy! PAC charged Jungle Boy and Jungle Boy ducked; PAC’s own momentum sent him over the top rope! Rey Fenix and Jungle Boy were the final two! Jungle Boy hit the poison rana on Rey Fenix, but after a powerful kick, Rey Fenix clotheslined Jungle Boy and eliminated him from the match!

PAC and Rey Fenix are your winners!

“You may be looking at your next world champs,” said Tony Schiavone.

Dasha was backstage with Paul Wight. She asked Paul Wight for some insight into the big signing. He gave Dasha a hint—“I don’t think anyone can outwork ‘em,” said Paul Wight.

AEW Women’s World Title Match!

AEW Women’s Champ Hikaru Shida vs. Women’s World Title Eliminator Tournament Winner Ryo Mizunami!

Mizunami showed a lack of respect for Shida by showboating and having fun at the expense of the champion. Shida saw an opening and used a step-up hurracanrana and then an explosive knee strike! Shida got caught up on the outside by Mizunami, who ran and tossed her over the steel barricade! Back in the ring, Mizunami used three leg drops on Shida. The champ flew off the top turnbuckle with a missile dropkick on Mizunami! Shida smiled and spiked Mizunami with a crunchie on the stage!

Mizunami changed the complexion of the match with rapid-fire headbutts and then three clotheslines to Shida! She pancaked the champ for a near fall!

“At this point it is anyone’s game,” said Excalibur.

Mizunami speared Shida! She climbed to the top rope and dropped the guillotine for a two-count on Shida! The champ rallied back with the Falcon Arrow but Mizunami kicked out!

“This has been such a battle between these two old rivals,” said Excalibur.

Finally, Shida got the knock out shot on Mizunami with the knee and pinned the challenger with a high stack! As Shida was celebrating in the ring, Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero ran to the ring. “The Native Beast” ambushed Shida and Mizunami. And then Britt Baker, Rebel, and Maki Itoh joined the attack on Shida and Mizunami. Thunder Rosa’s music played and she ran out to the aid of Shida and Mizunami, sending the assailants retreating!

Alex Marvez was backstage to interview Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy. Miro and Kip jumped Chuckie T. and Cassidy before they could get a word out!

Tag Team Grudge Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor vs. “The Best Man” Miro & Kip Sabian (with Penelope Ford)!

Miro clobbered Chuck Taylor in the ring, and Orange Cassidy was nowhere to be found after his backstage beating! Kip Sabian blasted “The Kentucky Gentleman” with a shotgun dropkick! Chuck was bloodied, and Sabian and Miro used quick tags to ground Chuck Taylor. Finally Sabian ran into a knee from Chuck Taylor, and Orange Cassidy stumbled out from the entrance tunnel. Cassidy dropped Miro with the Orange Punch! Cassidy crashed onto Sabian with a tope suicida and then a diving DDT for a near fall! Sabian fought back with a gut buster and then a soccer kick!

“Sabian remembers the man who spoiled his wedding,” said Excalibur.

Chuck Taylor tagged in and he and Orange used the beach break stomp combo for a two-count on Sabian. Chuck dropped Kip with a stuffed piledriver but Miro made the save. Orange nailed Stundog Millionaire on Miro! Penelope distracted Orange Cassidy, and then Miro shoved Orange into Penelope Ford. She was knocked into the steel barricade. Miro gained the upper hand for his team, cranked back with the Game Over submission on Chuck Taylor, and forced the Kentucky Gentleman to tap!

Alex Marvez interviewed MJF and Jericho backstage. Jericho said this Wednesday on DYNAMITE, there would be changes to the Inner Circle.

Up next: a “Big Money Match”!

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “Big Money” Matt Hardy!

Per the agreement of the match participants, the victor here will get the loser’s entire 1st Quarter earnings, thus making it a “Big Money Match!”

They locked up with a collar and elbow tie up. Page stomped a mud hole into Hardy! Page caught Hardy with a back suplex and then a fallaway slam! “Hangman” was looking for the buckshot lariat early but Hardy had it scouted and retreated to the outside. Page followed him out and took down Hardy with a diving double sledge! Page tried for a strike but Hardy grabbed his fist and rammed it into the steel ring post! Hardy slammed Page’s hand on the ring steps, clearly trying to neutralize Page’s usage of the buckshot lariat in the match.

“‘Hangman’ right now has no defense. He’s wide open,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Hardy has taken over,” replied Jim Ross.

Hardy tried for the side effect but Page countered with a crucifix and then a Death Valley Driver, because he realized his hand was compromised. Page knew he needed to end this match as soon as possible. Page clubbed Hardy with a forearm and immediately grabbed his injured hand. On the outside, Hardy paused Page’s short-lived momentum with the Twist of Fate! After a suplex, Matt got a near fall on Page.

Hardy was knocked toward the ropes with a discus lariat from Page. “Hangman” knocked Hardy over the top rope with a lariat. Page followed up with a moonsault to Matt on the arena floor! Page shut out the pain and went after Hardy with a sliding lariat! Matt held onto the top rope, preventing Page from executing the deadeye! Hardy and Page fought on the turnbuckles but Hardy got Page with the BT bomb! Page blocked a Twist of Fate and finally got the deadeye on Hardy but Private Party jumped to the ring apron to distract the ref, buying Hardy time to recover. Page tried for the buckshot lariat but Hardy countered with the Side Effect and the Twist of Fate! Page kicked out!

“Matt Hardy is watching all that money slip through his fingertips,” said Excalibur.

Hardy gestured for Private Party to assist him again, but Dark Order ran out to even up the odds for “Hangman” Adam Page! After blasting Hardy with the buckshot lariat, Page scored the pin, right on the money!

“He’s rich in friendship,” said Excalibur, as the Dark Order gave a group hug to “Hangman” after the match!

Time for the “Face of the Revolution” Ladder Match!

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (accompanied by “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson) vs. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (of The Death Triangle) vs. Scorpio Sky vs. “Platinum” Max Caster (of The Acclaimed) vs. a Surprise Competitor!

The first wrestler who can climb the ladder and grab the brass ring will be declared the winner. And the winner of this match earns a TNT Title match on DYNAMITE on TNT this Wednesday!

Cody’s shoulder was heavily taped because of his match with Shaq on this past week’s DYNAMITE.”

“All Ego” Ethan Page made his AEW debut as the sixth man in this match!

Lance Archer hurled a ladder over the top rope, taking down numerous competitors! Penta El Zero Miedo dropkicked the ladder, smashing it into Archer! Max motioned to the back and Jack Evans ran out with a boom box, but 10 cut off Evans at the pass! Cody connected with a disaster kick on Caster! Ethan Page rammed the ladder into Cody’s injured shoulder. Caster wiped out Page and Scorpio with the boombox! “Platinum” Max then plastered Cody with it!

Penta El Zero Miedo used the ladder as a launch pad and crashed down onto Cody Rhodes and Ethan Page! Scorpio Sky ate a side slam and then a splash mountain onto the ladder from Ethan Page! “All Ego” Ethan Page grabbed another ladder but Archer pushed the ladder, sending Page into a backstabber by Penta El Zero Miedo! Cody knocked Penta El Zero Miedo off the ladder with a springboard dropkick! Penta El Zero Miedo blasted Cody with a destroyer onto the ladder, punishing Cody’s shoulder! Cody was helped to the back.

Caster and Sky climbed ladders simultaneously. Then Archer and Page climbed up the other sides of the ladders. All four men were reaching for the brass ring. Sky knocked down Archer! Before Scorpio Sky could get a full grip on the brass ring, Penta El Zero Miedo dropped Sky and followed up with a mean thrust kick! Cody was being examined in the entrance tunnel.

Ethan Page and Max Caster fought at the top of the ladder and Caster went over Page’s back with a powerbomb! Scorpio Sky whipped Max Caster into the ladder. Sky planted “Platinum” Max onto the ladder. Sky found his mark with a frog splash onto Caster! Archer hit a rising knee strike on Sky, and Sky was sent soaring through the air and down onto a ladder on the outside!

Penta El Zero Miedo climbed to the top but “All Ego” met him up there. Page knocked Penta El Zero Miedo to the mat! Cody returned to the match, whipping Page with his weight belt. He followed up with the CrossRhodes on Ethan Page! Lance Archer suplexed Cody off the ladder! Max Caster crashed down with the Claim to Fame on Cody!

“Big time car crashes!” said Jim Ross.

Lance Archer slam dunked Cody, Page and Penta El Zero Miedo with chokeslams! Archer blasted Max Caster with a Blackout on the ladder! Archer made the climb to the top but Ethan Page clubbed him from behind with a low blow. Page threw Archer with the Razor’s Edge! Jake Roberts jumped into the ring with a short arm clothesline on Page! Penta El Zero Miedo decimated Roberts with a thrust kick!

Cody Rhodes and Scorpio Sky traded right hands on top of the ladder! Sky trash talked Cody and shoved him off the ladder! Scorpio Sky grabbed the brass ring, won the match and became the Face of the Revolution!

“A hard fought but well deserved victory for Scorpio Sky,” said Excalibur.

Justin Roberts said it was time to meet the man who was going to sign a contract with AEW tonight, And out walked…Christian Cage to a huge ovation!!!

Now it was time for our Street Fight from an undisclosed location!

Sting & TNT Champion Darby Allin vs. Team Taz—FTW Champ “The Machine” Brian Cage & “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

There was an old ring set up in a warehouse. Sting pulled up in a black pick-up truck, blasting Darby’s theme from the cassette deck. Darby held onto the back of the truck, riding his skateboard. The ring was surrounded by dwellers wearing Sting masks and black hoodies.

Sting splashed Ricky Starks! He gave Starks the snake eyes! Cage tried to powerbomb Darby but Darby fought out. Darby chop blocked “The Machine!” Cage would stop. He picked up Darby and press slammed him through two doors!

Sting stalked Starks with his baseball bat! “You’re nothing without that baseball bat,” said Starks. Sting looked at the bat and threw it away. He stomped Starks down to the dirty concrete floor.

Cage hoisted Darby up with a vertical suplex, walked up a staircase, and then dropped him onto a trash can! Sting came to Darby’s aid and it gave Darby enough time to reload with a shotgun dropkick! Starks hit Sting with a steel beam!

“Sting is paying the hard way now,” said Taz on commentary.

“You can’t keep Darby Allin down, man, the most resilient wrestler in the world today,” added Tony Schiavone.

Darby smashed a glass bottle over the head of Brian Cage! Darby and Sting smashed Cage through a table!

“Darby seems like a man possessed,” said Jim Ross, as Darby clubbed away at Starks with strikes.

“Powerhouse” Hobbs and Hook ambushed Darby! Brian Cage rammed Sting into a brick wall.

“It’s four on one right now,” said Schiavone.

Cage and Hobbs swung Darby and released him through a pane of glass! Brian Cage hit Sting between the shoulder blades with a shovel! Darby called Sting and threw his black baseball bat down to him. Sting broke the aluminum baseball bat across Cage’s back! Darby hit a diving elbow from the balcony onto Cage and then they both crashed down to the floor beneath them!

Ricky Starks used a mule kick on Sting. He tried for a powerbomb but Sting escaped, almost scoring the pin on Starks. Sting blocked a back elbow and then used the Scorpion Deathdrop to score the pin!

“The Stinger has done it alongside Darby Allin,” said Jim Ross.

“The was one hell of a fight,” said Schiavone.

Taz stormed off from the broadcast table.

And now the main event!

AEW World Title Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch!

AEW World Champion Kenny Omega vs. #1 ranked Jon Moxley!

Impact’s Don Callis joined the broadcast team for this match.

Ref Bryce Remsburg was wearing a special protective suit for this match, including a face shield and thick rubber gloves.

Mox pulled out a flask as he was being introduced and had a big swig.

“If the match has not ended by the thirty minute mark, all the explosives will detonate and whoever survives will win,” said Excalibur.

They pushed one another toward the barbed wire, and Mox headbutted Omega to give himself some distance. Moxley suplexed Omega, but Omega held onto a side headlock, showing off his technique.

“Touching the barbed wire will detonate explosives,” said Jim Ross.

Moxley nearly suplexed Omega into the barbed wire but Omega blocked it from happening. They exchanged Terry Funk-esque right hands. Moxley clotheslined Omega out onto the stage. Moxley grabbed a barbed wire baseball bat from a garbage can and used it on Omega. Moxley then pulled out a kendo stick and wacked Omega across the back with it! Omega blinded Mox with power in the eyes and then whipped him into the barbed wire, causing explosives to detonate! Moxley clutched his back, completely disoriented. Omega picked up Mox and dropped Mox’s knee across a garbage can. Omega used the kotaro crusher on the trash can and busted Mox wide open! Omega applied the figure four leglock on Jon Moxley. Mox escaped but was sent into a table wrapped in barbed wire!

“He’s gotta peel himself out of there,” said Tony Schiavone.

Omega managed to deliver a moonsault for a two-count on Moxley.

“There’s twenty minutes left before this ring explodes,” said Tony Schiavone.

Omega tried for a leg submission but Mox pushed him away with his combat boot and into the barbed wire! Omega set off explosions with his back! Mox hit a shotgun dropkick on Omega and sent him into the barbed wire again—and more explosions went off!

“This is a war,” said Callis.

Moxley wrapped barbed wire around his arm and hit Omega with a left arm barbed wire lariat! Somehow Omega grabbed Mox with a snap dragon suplex and Mox rallied back with another lariat!

“Less than fifteen minutes until the ring explodes!” said Schiavone.

Omega muscled Moxley into the barbed wire and he detonated more explosives! They battled on the ring apron. Moxley hit a knee between Omega’s eyes and then planted him with a Paradigm Shift onto wooden planks that were wrapped in barbed wire!

“I think Kenny Omega is cut open right between the eyes,” said Schiavone.

“Moxley’s leg is lacerated in multiple places I think,” replied Callis.

Moxley pulled barbed wire off the plank and then he hammered down punches onto Omega, using the barbed wire!

A warning alarm began to play, alerting the wrestlers that the time was ticking.

Omega rocked Mox with two toxic V-Triggers! Omega nailed Mox with the One-Winged Angel, and as the ref was counting, Mox’s boot hit the barbed wire, triggering an explosion!

“That was genius of Moxley, sacrificing his own body to set off the explosion and escape the pin,” said Schiavone.

The Good Brothers ran to the ring and helped Omega! They gave Omega a baseball bat wrapped in barb wire. Omega swung the bat at Mox—and the bat was loaded with explosives! Then Omega hit the One-Winged Angel and finally pinned Moxley!

“The clock is still ticking, though. There are no fail safes,” said Schiavone.

The Good Brothers handcuffed Moxley in the ring.

“This is what Moxley wanted!” said Omega.

“Only a couple of minutes until this entire ring explodes,” said Schiavone.

Omega took the barbed wire baseball bat and grinded it into Moxley’s forehead.

“We are under two minutes,” said Schiavone.

“Moxley is completely unable to protect himself. He’s shackled,” said Excalibur.

“This is the end, this is what this is,” said Callis.

The countdown began. There was a minute left. The Good Brothers and Kenny Omega abandoned the ring, leaving Moxley behind.

Eddie Kingston sprinted down to the ring! He tried to get Moxley out of the ring but time ran out! Eddie Kingston covered Moxley, using his own body as a shield to protect Moxley! The explosions detonated! When the smoke cleared, Kingston was motionless on top of an unconscious Moxley!

“We’re going to get some medical attention in here,” said Tony Schiavone.

If you missed this historic night, order the replay now on pay-per-view and BRLive!

And tune in to witness the fallout from REVOLUTION on Wednesday, March 10th, on AEW DYNAMITE on TNT!


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