MJF and Chris Jericho pulled up to the arena at the same time! Tony Schiavone was there to greet them.
MJF and Jericho exchanged backhanded compliments to one another. Jericho said MJF would be the champion…someday. MJF said he believed that Jericho would regain his AEW World Championship…someday. As they walked away, out of earshot of one another, they both said, “What a loser!”
Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
The show began with a tag team explosion tonight!
The Lucha Bros.—Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix (with Eddie Kingston, the Butcher & the Blade) vs. Jurassic Express—Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus!
Jungle Boy charged in and took down Rey Fenix with a springboard arm drag. Rey Fenix matched it by walking the ropes and taking Jungle Boy to the mat with a deep arm drag of his own!
Penta El Zero M tagged in and hoisted Rey Fenix and dropped him hard onto Jungle Boy with an assisted wheelbarrow splash! Luchasaurus tagged in and he and Jungle Boy connected with tandem offense on Lucha El Zero M, including a flatliner from Jungle Boy and thunderous chops from Luchasaurus! Jungle Boy hit a tope suicida on Rey Fenix! Jungle Boy climbed back up on the ring apron but Penta El Zero M pushed him, sending him flying directly into a superkick from Rey Fenix who was out on the floor!
Luchasaurus tagged in and isolated Rey Fenix, planting him hard on the canvas. Luchasaurus choke slammed Rey Fenix from off the top rope and then followed up with a standing moonsault! Penta El Zero M broke up the pin attempt by Luchasaurus!
Penta El Zero M tagged in and hit a sling blade on Luchasaurus and then a backstabber on Jungle Boy! They hooked Jungle Boy and smashed him with the double foot stomp, but Jungle Boy kicked out before the 3-count! This was amazing! Jungle Boy rolled up Rey Fenix for victory after the Lucha Bros accidentally took one another out with an errant Canadian destroyer!
After the match Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero M started shoving one another out of frustration. The Butcher and the Blade jumped in the ring to break things up. Eddie Kingston got on the microphone and ordered the Lucha Bros to knock it off and shake hands. Penta El Zero M pushed away Rey Fenix. Kingston commanded Penta El Zero M to shake his brother’s hands. They finally listened.
Eddie Kingston looked at the camera and said he was never eliminated from the Casino Battle Royale at ALL OUT this past Saturday and to look up the rules, before winking at the camera and walking away.
Jake “the Snake” Roberts and “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer were in an alley in the rain.
Roberts said Moxley was going to piss himself when Archer gets ahold of him. Archer said he was going to be the AEW World Champion and there’s not a thing anybody can do about it because…“in the end everybody dies!”
Matt Hardy was out next with a special announcement.
“It was a very tense moment last Saturday at ALL OUT,” said Excalibur.
The arena broke out in “Hardy!” chants.
“Saturday at ALL OUT I suffered a very scary fall. And I know it frightened a lot of people. The outpouring of love over the past few days has been humbling. And I’m very happy to stand here in front of you and tell you after a myriad of tests that I am expected to make a 100% full recovery. I am a lucky man because I have a beautiful family,” said Hardy as he pointed to his wife and newborn baby at ringside. He apologized to his family and the fans for putting them through that scary moment on Saturday.
“Maybe it’s a good thing this vendetta between myself and Sammy Guevara has ended. So now it is time for me to get back to being healthy. When I am cleared to return, it is time for Matt Hardy to chase his first AEW championship! My journey is not over and a big part of that is because each and every one of you. Pro wrestling fans are the best! Thank you!”
“Matt Hardy gets a standing ovation after years of making the fans happy,” said Jim Ross.
“Maybe he’ll go after the TNT Title,” speculated Tony Schiavone.
“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. The Hybrid2’s Angelico (with Jack Evans)!
Angelico was punishing Cassidy with wristlocks. Angelico linked fingers with Cassidy and then captured his arms, applying a submission hold. Cassidy went for a swinging DDT but Angelico countered and cranked back with another submission hold before Orange reached the ropes for a ref break. Cassidy went flying with an elbow suicida and followed up with a diving crossbody. He shot through with a swinging DDT on Angelico! He turned the lights out on Angelico after the Orange Punch, scoring the pin!
“Chris Jericho awakened something inside of Orange Cassidy. He is more intense and ferocious than we have ever seen,” noted Excalibur.
Santana and Ortiz jumped Cassidy from behind and assaulted him with the madball loaded sock! Trent and Chuck Taylor—Best Friends—stormed the ring to help their buddy Orange and run off the assailants! Best Friends said next week they are going to meet Santana and Ortiz in the parking lot!
Alex Marvez was backstage knocking on the Young Bucks’ dressing room door.
Marvez was trying to get a response from them after the break-up of The Elite this past Saturday. The door finally opened and the Bucks superkicked Marvez!
Next it was time for the Best Man reveal!
“SuperBad” Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford came to the ring and were congratulated by Tony Schiavone.
Kip grabbed the microphone and told Schiavone to get lost. One of Kip’s Twitch subscribers named “Puff” came out, believing he was the Best Man. Sabian told him he was mistaken and told him to leave. Brian Pillman, Jr., was out next. Sabian told Pillman that he was confused because they’re not even friends, and he told Pillman to get out of the ring.
Kip tried again and this time, out walked Sabian’s true Best Man— Miro— “The Beast from Bulgaria”!
Miro said: “10 years in the same house and you can take that brass ring and shove it up your ass! My name is Miro and I’m ALL ELITE!”
“Hangman” Adam Page was interviewed earlier in the day by Tony Schiavone.
Page got very candid with Schiavone: “It kinda felt inevitable that Hangman and Kenny were going to lose the belts. But it didn’t have to happen. It’s my fault, and I’ve lost two of my best friends in the Young Bucks, and it’s stupid that I thought FTR were like me. Now that Kenny and I have lost the tag titles, we have to climb back up the ladder. This is our toughest test.”
A No Disqualification / No Count Out Match was next!
The Inner Circle—“The Demo God” Chris Jericho & Jake Hager vs. “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela & “The Concrete Rose” Sonny Kiss!
Janela took it to Jericho with rapid offense from Jump Street! He tagged in Sonny Kiss and they dropped Jericho neck-first on the top rope with Eddie Gilbert’s Hot Shot! Kiss cleaned Jericho’s clock with a big kick. Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela blasted Jericho and Hager with stereo shotgun dropkicks! Janela drove Jericho into the barricades after a tope suicida!
Janela swatted Jericho with a steel chair! Janela ran and rocketed off the folding chair but Jericho caught him! Jericho slammed Janela down on top of the chair like a sack of cement!
Jericho and Hager set up a table on the outside of the ring. Hager tried to pick up Janela for the powerbomb but Janela countered and rammed Hager’s back into the ring post instead! Jericho tagged in and charged Janela but Janela avoided him, pushing Jericho headfirst into a steel chair that had been wedged in between turnbuckles!
On the ramp Jericho catapulted Janela into Hager, who then pitched him down below onto the table! Sonny Kiss came off the top rope with a crossbody block onto Hager and Jericho, who were on the ramp! Sonny followed up with “Axes and O’s” on Jericho and then dropped Hager with the rolling elbow. Sonny Kiss climbed to the top rope but Jericho blindsided Sonny by shooting a fire extinguisher at him! Hager finished Sonny with a head and arm suplex, and then scored the pin!
Jericho said he and Hager have their eyes on FTR and the AEW Tag Team Championship!
MJF was at his campaign headquarters.
He fired his campaign staff for failing him this past Saturday at ALL OUT. Wardlow stood up and MJF asked if he had a problem with him. MJF reminded Wardlow that Tony Khan doesn’t sign his checks, MJF signs them. Only then did Wardlow reluctantly say there were no problems.
Newly crowned AEW Tag Team Champions FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler—were in the ring for a victory celebration with Tully Blanchard.
FTR passed out cold beer to teams that were surrounding the ring as part of the celebration.
They said they represent the deepest tag team vision in the world, and now they are locker room leaders and top guys! They insulted the tag teams that were present, especially Jurassic Express.
Marko Stunt, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus entered the ring. Things broke down quickly until FTR exited the ring. Marko Stunt dumped the cooler full of ice on the heads of FTR and Tully Blanchard. Next week it’ll be Jurassic Express against FTR!
Taz joined the commentary team for the next match!
Darby Allin’s music played, but instead of Darby, out walked “Absolute” Ricky Starks, cosplaying as Darby.
Starks described Darby as being reckless, and said he’s going to relentlessly beat Darby’s ass the next time he sees him!
This was followed by #2 ranked “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose (with Vicki Guerrero) vs. Tay Conti!
Conti charged Nyla, but Nyla halted her, running her into the turnbuckles. Conti followed up with martial arts style kicks and then brought Nyla to the mat with a kneebar. Nyla gouged Conti’s face, freeing herself, and then tossed Conti outside the ring. Vicki Guerrero was waiting there and got in some cheap shots on Conti.
Conti jumped off the top rope, trying for a sunset flip, but Nyla outpowered her. Nyla picked her up and slammed her down to the mat. Conti surprised Nyla with another armbar, but Nyla pinned Conti after a vicious Beast Bomb!
Nyla attempted to continue the assault after the match, but Shida sprinted out with her kendo stick. Shida helped Conti to her feet while Vicki and Rose retreated.
It was announced that after the Buck’s unsportsmanlike Superkick Party on Alex Marvez earlier tonight, Tony Khan has fined Matt and Nick Jackson $5,000 each!
Earlier in the day Jim Ross interviewed Kenny Omega.
Kenny said there was no denying he and “Hangman” have chemistry.
J.R. asked Kenny, “What’s next for you?”
Omega: “We’ve got such a deep tag team division. For us to get the level where we got, we had to learn a lot about one another, and what I learned about “Hangman” I didn’t like. I’ve got my own plans and goals and I think it’s time I go back to singles action.”
On October 14th on the anniversary edition of DYNAMITE, it’ll be AEW World Champion Jon Moxley defending against “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer!
It was time for our main event! An AEW TNT Championship Match!
TNT Champ “The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee, leader of The Dark Order, defending his title against “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes!
As Justin Roberts was introducing Brodie Lee, Dustin Rhodes attacked “The Exalted One.” They brawled around the ringside area, with Dustin getting the better of Brodie! John Silver was sacrificed, as he was pushed by Brodie into Dustin. “The Natural” had no problem dishing out a heavy thrust kick to Silver!
Dustin dropped big right hands on Brodie in the corner. He chopped away at the leader of the Dark Order. Brodie had enough and gouged Dustin’s eyes!
“This is a battle of attrition,” said Jim Ross.
Brodie catapulted Dustin, sling-shotting him throat-first into the bottom rope!
Rhodes rallied back with a bulldog headlock. Dustin connected with a beautiful powerslam! Dustin nailed Brodie with a Canadian destroyer! He followed up with CrossRhodes for a near fall on the champ!
Brodie rocked Dustin with a kick to the head and then a powerbomb for a two-count on “the Natural”! Brodie charged Dustin but the challenger moved! Dustin followed up with a cannonball senton and then the “Unnatural” kick on Mr. Brodie Lee! Dustin stunned Brodie with a piledriver, but Brodie Lee grabbed the bottom rope just in time to break the ref’s count!
“Brodie Lee is being pushed to his limit,” said Excalibur.
They slugged it out but Dustin put an exclamation at the end of the sentence with a lariat! Brodie countered with two thrust kicks and then the discus lariat to pin Dustin!
The Dark Order joined Mr. Brodie Lee to celebrate in the ring. They carried a fallen QT Marshall on their shoulders and dropped him at the feet of “the Exalted One.” Mr. Brodie Lee yelled at Colt Cabana and told him to leave the ring.
Be sure to join us next week for all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT! Stay tuned to AEW Social Media!