AEW Rampage Results for May 24, 2024
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AEW Rampage Results for May 24, 2024


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Mechanics Bank Arena in Bakersfield, CA!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho (accompanied by Big Bill)!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!


Rocky Romero vs. “The Bastard” PAC!

Rocky took Pac down with a hurracanrana. Pac stunned Rocky out of nowhere with a moonsault to the outside!

Pac wore down Rocky with a side headlock. Rocky got to his feet and he and Pac exchanged strikes, both guys going for broke. Rocky hit a back heel kick and then the Sliced Bread for a near fall on Pac.

Rocky stuck Pac with a DDT, nearly bending Pac in half! Rocky rocketed outside the ring with a tope. Rocky pulled Pac back into the ring and covered him for a near fall.

Pac avoided a charging Rocky and used Rocky’s momentum to counter with a German Suplex. Pac applied the Brutalizer and Rocky tapped out!

The Lucha Brothers and Alex Abrahantes came out to help Pac celebrate and send a message to the Gunn Club!

Pac: “Gunn Club, whatever hoops you want us to jump through, no problem. These are the Lucha Brothers, the best tag team in the world. We’ll see you at Collision.”

“The Lucha Brothers calling out the Gunn Club for tomorrow night on Collision,” said Excalibur.

Next: Chris Jericho addressed the fans!

Jericho: “I just want to say that at Double Or Nothing I will have a three-way match for the FTW Title, which is ‘For The World’ and it’ll be under ‘For The World’ Rules, which means it’ll be mayhem. And I can’t wait to face HOOK and Shibata at Double Or Nothing!”

Shibata heard enough and charged down the ramp. Shibata and Big Bill brawled on the ramp, with Big Bill retreating. HOOK snuck up through the crowd in the front row and grabbed Jericho, locking Jericho in the Red Rum!

Samoa Joe vs. Dom Kubrick!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the broadcast booth.

Dom tried for a dropkick. Samoa Joe wiped him out with a big back elbow. Samoa Joe jabbed at Dom. Samoa Joe lit up Dom with a flurry of shots. Samoa Joe hoisted up Kubrick and planted him with the Muscle Buster in the center of the ring! Samoa Joe covered Kubrick and pinned him, making short work of his opponent.

“A dominant victory for Samoa Joe. Where does he go from here? We’ll have to wait to find out,” said Excalibur.

Private Party’s Isiah Kassidy vs. Rush!

Rush wasted no time and rammed Kassidy with the Bull’s Horns twice! Rush grabbed Kassidy and whipped him into the barricades. Rush grabbed the camera cable and clobbered Kassidy with it. Rush pulled Kassidy back into the ring and continued to toy with Kassidy.

Kassidy tried to rally back with a tope. Kassidy planted Rush for a two-count. Kassidy climbed to the top and splashed Rush with a Swanton for a near fall!

“What a comeback,” said Schiavone. 

Rush headbutted Kassidy and Kassidy crumbled to the mat. Rush and Kassidy traded chops on the apron. Kassidy charged at Rush, but Rush used Kassidy’s momentum and suplexed him from the apron and down onto the arena floor! Rush finished Kassidy with the Bull’s Horns and pinned Kassidy!

“Isiah put up a hell of a fight tonight, but Rush was just too much,” said Excalibur.

Rampage Main Event Time!

Alex Windsor & Anna Jay 


TBS Champion Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander (with Stokely Hathaway)!

Statlander grabbed Windsor and body slammed her. Willow tagged in and hit a cross body on Windsor. Willow followed up with a suplex. Willow hit the pounce on Windsor!

Statlander tagged in and splashed Anna Jay with a standing moonsault press. Statlander took down Anna with a suplex. Anna Jay retaliated with a draping neck breaker across the ropes. Anna Jay rammed Kris into the steel ring steps.

Windsor tagged in and rocked Kris with a knee strike. Windsor chopped Kris down with kicks. Kris rallied back with a deadlift German Suplex and tagged Willow. 

Willow clobbered Anna Jay in the corner with a lariat. Willow planted Anna Jay with a spinebuster for a near fall. Anna nailed Willow with a jawbreaker. Willow went for the cannonball splash, but Anna dodged it!

Windsor connected with a shining wizard on Willow for a near fall. Statlander dropped Anna Jay with a high roundhouse kick. Willow finished off Windsor with the Doctor Bomb and scored the pin!

“That’s how you want to go into the pay-per-view,” said Matt Menard.

After the match, “The CEO” Mercedes Moné charged to the ring! Kris grabbed Mercedes but Mercedes escaped. Willow and Mercedes began to brawl with one another until security separated them!

Mercedes grabbed the TBS Championship and held it overhead while Stokely pulled Willow and Kris out of the ring, holding them back.

***Special Programming Note*** Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TBS at 8/7c from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, NV!

Witness history as AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2024 is broadcast live on pay-per-view this Sunday at 8pm ET/5pm PT from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, NV!

Catch the fallout from AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2024 during AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

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And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle! 

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